SEIFA by Statistical Area 2 (SA2)
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Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the ABS that ranks areas in Australia according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census. SEIFA 2011 is the latest version of this product and consists of four indexes: The Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD); The Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantage (IRSAD); The Index of Education and Occupation (IEO); The Index of Economic Resources (IER). Each index is a summary of a different subset of Census variables and focuses on a different aspect of socio-economic advantage and disadvantage.

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Based on place of usual residence.

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Australian geographic boundaries based on ASGS Statistical Area (SA1 and SA2), Postal Code Area (POA), State Suburb Code (SSC) and Local Government Area (LGA)

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SEIFA by Statistical Area 2 (SA2)Abstract

Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the ABS that ranks areas in Australia according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census. SEIFA 2011 is the latest version of this product and consists of four indexes: The Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD); The Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantage (IRSAD); The Index of Education and Occupation (IEO); The Index of Economic Resources (IER). Each index is a summary of a different subset of Census variables and focuses on a different aspect of socio-economic advantage and disadvantage.

Contact person/organisation

For all inquiries, please contact the National Information and Referral Services on 1300 135 070

Source metadata

Please refer to link below for related information.

Reference period2011Date last updated


Other data characteristics

Based on place of usual residence.

Statistical population

Population of Australia

Geographic coverage

Australian geographic boundaries based on ASGS Statistical Area (SA1 and SA2), Postal Code Area (POA), State Suburb Code (SSC) and Local Government Area (LGA)

Key statistical concept

SEIFA is a suite of four indexes that have been created from social and economic Census information. Each index ranks geographic areas across Australia in terms of their relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The four indexes each summarise a slightly different aspect of the socio-economic conditions in an area.

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Please refer to the Quality Declaration document linked below.
