Regional Statistics by LGA
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The National Regional Profile (NRP) presents, for all Australia, a range of data for various types of small regions. Data are available for Local Government Areas, Statistical Areas Levels 2 and other larger geographies. The NRP is intended for users interested in the characteristics of regions and in comparing regions across Australia. Data are in time series, where available.

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Click to expand Contact person/organisation
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ABS Regional Statistics National Centre. Email

Click to expand Name of collection/source
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Click to expand Source metadata
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Please refer to the Explanatory Notes by clicking on the link below.

Click to expand Source Periodicity
Click to collapse Source Periodicity

Data sources are annual (or sub annual that can be aggregated to annual)

Click to expand Data source(s) used
Click to collapse Data source(s) used

Various ABS and non-ABS sources. These include Census and survey data, and administrative data.

Click to expand Data Characteristics
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Click to expand Date last updated
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Click to expand Reference period
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Annual (2009-10 to 2013-14)

Click to expand Unit of measure used
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Click to expand Population & Scope
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Click to expand Concepts & Classifications
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Click to expand Classification(s) used
Click to collapse Classification(s) used

Local Government Areas 2014

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Click to collapse Dissemination format(s)

Released to the ABS website ( on June 30 2016

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Click to expand Recommended uses and limitations
Click to collapse Recommended uses and limitations

The NRP is intended for users interested in the characteristics of regions and in comparing regions across Australia. Many of the series are a sub-set of data available and users can refer to the source data for further information (see references to Explanatory Notes above - this includes links to sources)

Regional Statistics by LGAAbstract

The National Regional Profile (NRP) presents, for all Australia, a range of data for various types of small regions. Data are available for Local Government Areas, Statistical Areas Levels 2 and other larger geographies. The NRP is intended for users interested in the characteristics of regions and in comparing regions across Australia. Data are in time series, where available.

Contact person/organisation

ABS Regional Statistics National Centre. Email

Data source(s) used

Various ABS and non-ABS sources. These include Census and survey data, and administrative data.

About the data
Name of collection/source


About the data
Source Periodicity

Data sources are annual (or sub annual that can be aggregated to annual)

Source metadata

Please refer to the Explanatory Notes by clicking on the link below.

Explanatory Notes
Unit of measure used


Power code


Reference period

Annual (2009-10 to 2013-14)

Date last updated


Geographic coverage

Local Government Areas 2014 (LGA2014)

Product coverage

See Explanatory Notes in the NRP

Explanatory Notes
Classification(s) used

Local Government Areas 2014

Dissemination format(s)

Released to the ABS website ( on June 30 2016

Recommended uses and limitations

The NRP is intended for users interested in the characteristics of regions and in comparing regions across Australia. Many of the series are a sub-set of data available and users can refer to the source data for further information (see references to Explanatory Notes above - this includes links to sources)