Land use net change matrix 2006 to 2011
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For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

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Note: Sums may not necessarily equal totals due to rounding. All values have been rounded to the nearest hundred (hectares or dollars).

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The SA Land Account tables (1-6) have been made available as Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets (.xls) and within the ABS.Stat Beta environment. The Land Accounting tables aim to follow structures specified within SEEA 2012. However some columns and rows have been reordered within ABS.Stat to better suit that environment. Users should be aware of these differences when comparing the Excel and ABS.Stat data from the Downloads tab. It is recommended that ABS.Stat tables are viewed in their default layout.

Land use net change matrix 2006 to 2011Contact person/organisation

For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

Recommended uses and limitations

The SA Land Account tables (1-6) have been made available as Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets (.xls) and within the ABS.Stat Beta environment. The Land Accounting tables aim to follow structures specified within SEEA 2012. However some columns and rows have been reordered within ABS.Stat to better suit that environment. Users should be aware of these differences when comparing the Excel and ABS.Stat data from the Downloads tab. It is recommended that ABS.Stat tables are viewed in their default layout.

Quality comments

Note: Sums may not necessarily equal totals due to rounding. All values have been rounded to the nearest hundred (hectares or dollars).