Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population Projections by Indigenous Regions
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Population projections illustrate how the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population would change in the future as a result of certain assumptions. This dataset presents three scenarios, comprising combinations of different rates of fertility (x3), paternity (x3), mortality (x3), interstate migration (x1) and overseas migration (x1).

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For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

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Stock; Yearly

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2011 - 2026

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Projected persons

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The ABS’ population projections do not predict or forecast how the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population will look in the future. They do not incorporate any non-demographic factors which influence population change, such as changes in an individual’s decision to identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, government policy, improvements in health treatment or the occurrence of natural disasters. Projections only show how the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population would change if the demographic assumptions made were to eventuate over the projection period. This may or may not happen.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population Projections by Indigenous RegionsAbstract

Population projections illustrate how the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population would change in the future as a result of certain assumptions. This dataset presents three scenarios, comprising combinations of different rates of fertility (x3), paternity (x3), mortality (x3), interstate migration (x1) and overseas migration (x1).

Contact person/organisation

For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

Source Periodicity

Stock; Yearly

Source metadata


Unit of measure used

Projected persons

Reference period

2011 - 2026

Date last updated


Statistical population

For information about the scope and coverage of this collection, please see the Explanatory Notes (link below).

Geographic coverage

Indigenous Region

Population coverage

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population

Classification(s) used

Australian Statistical Geography Standard

Recommended uses and limitations

The ABS’ population projections do not predict or forecast how the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population will look in the future. They do not incorporate any non-demographic factors which influence population change, such as changes in an individual’s decision to identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, government policy, improvements in health treatment or the occurrence of natural disasters. Projections only show how the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population would change if the demographic assumptions made were to eventuate over the projection period. This may or may not happen.

Quality comments

Please refer to the quality declaration below
