- published: 25 Sep 2016
- views: 3945
18+ Military operations of FSA against Assad and Iran's mercenaries in Syria 18-24/09/2016
18+ FSA launches massive counterattack kills many of Iran's mercenaries at Aleppo, Syria 31/07/2016
FSA - Killing 5 Syrian Soldiers With An ATGM In North Latakia
Syria War 2015 - FSA Insane Urban Close Combat Footage From DARAYYA City ᴴᴰ
18+ Military operation of FSA against Assad & Iran's mercenaries at Latakia prov., Syria 28-29/09/20
Aerial camera shows how FSA defeats Iran's foreign mercenaries at Aleppo in Syria 20/08/2016
Pasukan Al Assad dan Rusia di Gempur Oleh FSA
Syria - FSA kill dozens of Pro-Assad Iranian Shia militia +18
Syria War October 4th-5th 2016: FSA Against Assad & Iran's Mercenaries
Military operations of FSA against Assad and Iran's foreign mercenaries in Syria 24-26/09/2016
https://www.facebook.com/ClearVisionInSyria 18+ Military operations of Free Syrian Army (Freedom Fighters) against Assad henchmen and Iran's foreign mercenaries in Syria 18-24/09/2016 No place for the barbaric Russian Army or for the foreign Iranian mercenaries and Hezbollah death squads in our beloved Syria, We hate killings, but we are forced to deal with those savage invaders with bullets and anti-armor missiles and all kinds of weapons in order to protect our innocent civilians in Syria. Every nation on earth has it's own verbal expressions (logos) to express resolute determination or defiance, especially when it stands up and fights against tyranny, dictatorship, injustice and oppression. In the Islamic world we just say "Allahu Akbar" (God is the greatest) as a reminder that no matte...
18+ FSA launches massive counterattack kills many of Iran's mercenaries at Aleppo province, Syria 31/07/2016 No place for Iran's mercenary gangsters and Hezbollah's death squads in our beloved Syria, and the best way to treat those invaders will be with bullets and anti-armor missiles.
The elusive FSA brigade known as the 1st Coastal Division gets a direct hit on a group of Syrian soldiers as they stroll through Northern Latakia, killing many of them in the process. *This footage is NOT intended to be violent, shocking, sensational, disrespectful or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting, educating and documentation* الفرقة الأولى الساحلية مقتل 5عناصر لقوات النظام بعد استهدافهم بصاروخين فاغوت في قرية بشرفة
War in Syria 2015 - FSA Insane Urban Close Combat Footage From DARAYYA City ᴴᴰ
https://www.facebook.com/ClearVisionInSyria 18+ Military operation of Free Syrian Army against Assad henchmen and Iran's foreign mercenaries at Latakia province in Syria 28-29/09/2016 No place for the barbaric Russian Army or for the foreign Iranian mercenaries and Hezbollah death squads in our beloved Syria, We hate killings, but we are forced to deal with those savage invaders with bullets and anti-armor missiles and all kinds of weapons in order to protect our innocent civilians in Syria. Every nation on earth has it's own verbal expressions (logos) to express resolute determination or defiance, especially when it stands up and fights against tyranny, dictatorship, injustice and oppression. In the Islamic world we just say "Allahu Akbar" (God is the greatest) as a reminder that no matte...
18+ Aerial camera shows how Free Syrian Army defeats Iran's foreign mercenaries at Aleppo in Syria 20/08/2016 No place for the barbaric Russian Army or for the foreign Iranian mercenaries and Hezbollah death squads in our beloved Syria, and the best way to treat those savage invaders will be with bullets and anti-armor missiles and all kinds of weapons.
Suriah: pertempuran untuk kota Kafarnabodah antara tentara pemerintah Bashar al-Assad di Aviation Rusia dan Tentara Pembebasan Suriah sumber : http://adf.ly/1Pz6Ew
Syria War October 4th-5th 2016: FSA Against Assad & Iran's Mercenaries
https://www.facebook.com/ClearVisionInSyria Military operations of Free Syrian Army against Assad and Iran's foreign mercenaries in Syria 24-26/09/2016 No place for the barbaric Russian Army or for the foreign Iranian mercenaries and Hezbollah death squads in our beloved Syria, We hate killings, but we are forced to deal with those savage invaders with bullets and anti-armor missiles and all kinds of weapons in order to protect our innocent civilians in Syria.
Amazon.de: http://kayzz.us/sde/2/de/B0077MMXRC/info Carbonstütze aus einem Stück.farbe: Ud mit dauerhaften Farbgrafiken Material: Einsatzzweck: Rennrad / Cyclocross Maß Gewicht: 210 g Durchmesser: 27.2 mm Länge: 350 mm Offset: 20 mm Sattelstütze Bauart: Patentstütze
Making of FSA short film the little bit at Cawley Farms Dairy that is :) a quick look at the behind the scenes of a Malt. production for the Food Standards Agency check the finished video on the Food Standards Agencies youtube page.
Amazon.de: http://kayzz.us/sde/2/de/B00DKE4608/info Beschreibung & Material: für 1 1/8" Steuerrohr; Ausführung 45 Acb; flache, geschmiedete Lagerschalen Aluminium; tapered 50 mm / 62 mm Steuerrohrdurchmesser aussen, 44 mm / 55.95 mm innen; mit Alukappegewicht (lt. Herstellerangabe): 111.5 gverpackung: :111 gfarbe :schwarzgroessen :1 1/8'
Amazon.de: http://kayzz.us/sde/2/de/B00GG52WAE/info die Carbon Stütze mit 25 mm Setback Neues Design und neuer Klemmkopf Mtc (minimal Top Clamp) reduziert das Gewicht um 30 g. Der Sattel ist weiter zurückgesetzt montierbar, entspricht einer theoretischen Sitzrohrwinkeländerung von 1. Dies ermöglicht Einstellung perfekten Sitzposition, selbst bei kleinen Compact Rahmen. einteilige Carbon-konstruktion 2-fach Schraubenklemmung für stufenlose Einstellung, M5 Edelstahlschrauben Grööen & Längen: 350 mm x 27.2 oder 31.6 mm Finish: Ud Carbon; dauerhaften Farbgrafiken (lt. Herstellerangabe): 219 Gramm
Amazon.de: http://kayzz.us/sde/2/de/B00HIFBJQ4/info Beschreibung & Material: 3d geschmiedetes, Cnc bearbeitetes Al 2014 mit Carbonummantelung (csi: Structure Integration); 4-fach Schraubenklemmung; Vorbaukappe aus Al 2014/carbon; Titanschraubenlängen & Größen: +/6 x 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 mm; für 31.8 mm Lenkerklemmung; Höhe Gabelklemmung 41 1 1/8" Gabelschaftfinish: Ud Farbgrafikengewicht (lt. Herstellerangabe): 126 g (bei mm Länge) Verpackung: :farbe :ud Carbon/rot/weißgroessen :+/6; mm
Amazon.de: http://kayzz.us/sde/2/de/B00HIFBJ64/info Beschreibung & Material: 3d geschmiedetes, Cnc bearbeitetes Al 2014 mit Carbonummantelung (csi: Structure Integration); 4-fach Schraubenklemmung; Vorbaukappe aus Al 2014/carbon; Titanschraubenlängen & Größen: +/6 x 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 mm; für 31.8 mm Lenkerklemmung; Höhe Gabelklemmung 41 1 1/8" Gabelschaftfinish: Ud Farbgrafikengewicht (lt. Herstellerangabe): 126 g (bei mm Länge) Verpackung: :farbe :ud Carbon/rot/weißgroessen :+/6; 90 mm
Amazon.de: http://kayzz.us/sde/2/de/B00J8KN7QW/info Beschreibung & Material: 3d geschmiedetes, Cnc bearbeitetes Al 2014 mit Carbonummantelung (csi: Structure Integration); 4-fach Schraubenklemmung; Vorbaukappe aus Al 2014/carbon; Titanschraubenlängen & Größen: +/6 x 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 mm; für 31.8 mm Lenkerklemmung; Höhe Gabelklemmung 41 1 1/8" Gabelschaftfinish: Ud Farbgrafikengewicht (lt. Herstellerangabe): 126 g (bei mm Länge) Verpackung: :126 gfarbe :ud / schwarzgroessen :+/6; mm
Amazon.de: http://kayzz.us/sde/2/de/B00TUV62KC/info o Einsatzzweck: Mtbo Zusatzinformation: Afterburner Finish Geschmiedete, einteilige Bremszange Semi-metallic Bremsbeläge Ergonomischer Alu Bremshebel Werkzeuglose Griffweitenund Druckpunkteinstellung Hochdruck Bremsleitung, Länge 1700 mm Drehbarer Bremsleitungsanschluss für optimale Verlegung Bremsfluid Mineralöl Pm6 Direktanbau (160 mm) Gewicht: 395 g (vr mit mm Scheibe + Hardware) Bremsscheiben Adapter nicht im Lieferumfang enthalteno Lieferumfang: Bremshebel, Bremssattelo Bremsentyp: Scheibenbremseo Hydraulisch
Syria T72 tank gettin hit antitank rocket FSA vs Al Assad Please like and share for more video Security area Don't forget to subscribe Thank for watching my video please subscribe Here is the best video on my channel Please subscribe to my channel for more new video coming soon More new good video coming Soon. The best way to watch to subscribe Security area ( youtube channel ) Security area ( youtube channel ) Enjoy the video Have nice day Security area Security area Thanks Taliban huge Suicide bomb attack in Afghanistan : https://youtube.com/watch?v=gpv5u8DM9Ts Taliban man the suicide bombers In action : https://youtube.com/watch?v=jEUcpH8OXSg Terrorist Suicide Bomber attack in IRAQ : https://youtube.com/watch?v=CD_QETNFgkA Taliban publicly execute woman wit...
Seperti yang kita maklum, revolusi bersenjata di Syria telah bermula sejak tahun 2011 lagi selepas rakyat sudah puas bersabar dengan kezaliman Rejim Basyar Al-Assad.Ramai askar dari rejim telah berpaling tadah dan terbentuknya Free Syrian Army (FSA) Sekitar awal 2013 bermula kemasukan pejuang-pejuang dari luar terutamanya dari Al-qaeda dan pejuang2 dari seluruh dunia.. diantara kumpulan yang ada ialah ISIS..pada awalnya mereka diterima di seluruh syria tetapi setelah beberapa lama disana mula timbul masalah diantara pejuang ISIS dan FSA.. Syeikh muaz adalah salah seorang pimpinan mujahideen di Aleppo menceritakan masalah yang mereka hadapi sebelum mereka menghalau ISIS dari Aleppo.. Terdapat pelbagai isu-isu yang dibincangkan antara kami semoga bermanfaat, Insyaallah.. Mujahideen Medi...
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21+ fsa in syria get some from SAA Not for Shock impressive footage of trench warfare video of syria http://youtu.be/GtqZ1f6UeFk Videos From Syria http://www.youtube.com/user/freesyriawar
I've been down, I've been beat
I've been tossed into the street
Making nickels, begging dimes
Just to get my bottle of wine
Some say Life, she's a lady
Kind of soft, kind of shady
I can't tell you Life is rich
She's no lady, she's a bitch
They suck my body out
But then there is no doubt
Gonna pay the devil his dues
Cause I'm so sick of being abused
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Don't you know life is a bitch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch
Steal my money, steal my car
Took my woman and an old guitar
Running crazy, running wild
?? in my eye
Just can't fight the temptation
It's become my inspiration
Gonna get myself an axe
Break some heads and break some backs
They suck my body out
But then there is no doubt
Gonna pay the devil his dues
Cause I'm so sick of being abused
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Don't you know life is a bitch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch
Don't stop me
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Don't you know life is a bitch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Don't you know life is a bitch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch
Out of the palace and into the ditch