Oct 21 2016

Snopes Quotes FAIR on O’Keefe’s Dubiousness


Factchecking website Snopes cited FAIR’s work, among others, in warning readers not to take at face value videos by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas alleging Democratic election skullduggery.

Oct 21 2016

Moyers & Co. Cites FAIR’s Numbers on What Was and Wasn’t Discussed in Debates


Moyers & Co.’s Karin Kamp cited FAIR’s figures on presidential debate topics in a preview of the final Clinton/Trump face-off.

Oct 21 2016

Media’s Debate Agenda: Push Russia, ISIS, Taxes; Downplay Climate, Poverty, Campaign Finance

Russia, ISIS and taxes overwhelmed all other topics during the four presidential and vice-presidential debates, totaling 429 mentions from both candidates and questioners.

Oct 21 2016

‘Drug Dependence Hasn’t Been Stopped by 45 Years of the War on Drugs’

“As a country, we’re looking at racial injustice, we’re looking at policing, we’re talking about these issues. We have to talk about drug possession laws and enforcement. The No. 1 arrest offense, we’ve got to talk about that if we’re talking about race and policing.”

Oct 21 2016

Ari Berman on Rigging Elections, Dean Baker on the Debt Bogeyman

Donald Trump is now claiming that if he doesn’t win, the thing must be rigged. It’s concerning that his supporters may believe that, but also concerning that others might imagine that the fact that Trump mentions the idea of voting improprieties must mean there is no such thing.

Oct 20 2016

October 2016: The Month Political Journalism Died

The presidential debates used to be the best opportunity to shed some light on key issues things. But as the debates have gone from substance to show biz, it doesn’t work that way anymore.

Oct 19 2016

The Debates Are Over, and No One Asked About Climate Change

Despite the fact that the world has endured 16 consecutive months of record-breaking heat, not one of the debate moderators saw fit to ask about climate change in any of 2016’s general election debates.

Oct 19 2016

Halloween Comes Early as Bloomberg Tries to Scare Kids With Debt Monster

Bloomberg only examines the debt side of the ledger. It’s almost impossible to exaggerate how absurd this is.