11 Games With Spooky Halloween Updates and Events

Halloween is nearly upon us, and as is customary for many community-driven games, many developers have started rolling out in-game events complete with creepy themes and content. To help you keep track of everything, here’s a rundown of the games with the biggest updates and add-on content to get you into the spirit of the holiday.

Destiny (10/25-11/8)

Destiny’s Festival of the Lost kicks off on the 25th and will feature new items like masks, shaders, and emotes. Additionally, a broom-themed Sparrow is up for grabs for those who have been wanting a new ride.

The Tower, Reef, and Iron Temple will also be decorated in celebration, and a new quest will be available in the Iron Temple. Get in there, Guardians!

Dead by Daylight

A new crossover Halloween DLC pack featuring playable forms of both Michael Meyers and Laurie Strode is now available to download for $7.

Overwatch (Now - 11/1)

Overwatch is throwing a seasonal event complete with an all-new cooperative Brawl mode called Junkenstein’s Revenge, and a swath of themed Loot Boxes including new themed skins, emotes, victory poses, sprays, and more.

Rocket League (Now - 11/1)

Rocket League has a handful of fun holiday-themed items available, including a handful of themed trails spraying skulls and candy corn. As an added bonus, you can decorate your car with the little ghost guy in the picture above.

World of Warcraft (Now - 11/1)

Hallow’s End returns this year, and with it comes the chance for players to earn goodies and money to purchase items in the game through trick-or-treating in Azeroth, Nothrent, Pandaria, Outland, Draenor, and the Broken Isles. There's also a Headless Horseman boss to fight and other items to accumulate in the spirit of the season.

Pokemon Go (10/26 - 11/1)

Expect to see more creepy Pokemon while you’re out catching ‘em all in Pokemon Go’s Halloween update. Pokemon like Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengar will be among the creatures you’ll encounter most frequently, and you’ll see a boost in candy obtained when catching Pokemon or transferring them.

Gears of War 4

A teaser image released on Twitter today suggests the return of Pumpkinhead in Gears of War 4’s multiplayer modes.

The Elder Scrolls Online (Now - 11/1)

Celebrate Halloween in Tamriel by obtaining the free Crow Caller from the Crown Store, which will launch a special themed quest known as The Witchmother’s Bargain. Finish this quest, and you’ll get a fancy new cauldron capable of turning you and your friends into Undead for up to two hours. While in this form, defeating bosse will up your chance of obtaining loot from Plunder Skulls, giving you access to themed rewards like masks, recipes, etc. Jump in if you want to use this cauldron; after the event, you can still hold onto it, but it will no longer transform anyone into Undead.

Final Fantasy XIV (Now - 11/1)

All Saints’ Wake is underway in Final Fantasy XIV, and those who participate in the event’s new quests (open to at least level 15 and up) can unlock a special minion and other items appropriately fitting a creepy Halloween theme.

Grand Theft Auto 5 (10/28-11/7)

Jump online this Halloween and you’ll be able to fight devils vs angels in a new Lost vs. Damned mode. In this mode, a quick, 60-second day/night cycle gives devils a buff during the night and angels a buff during the day. Additionally, themed items from last year will join an array of new themed vehicles.

Street Fighter 5 (Now - 11/29)

Celebrate Halloween in a festively decorated Russia with seven new skins for key Street Fighter characters like Necalli, Vega, and Alex.

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