About Us

Working to protect human life from the gravest threats to health and survival

The Iowa Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) is the statewide chapter of the National PSR, a non-profit, non-partisan organization committed to preserving people’s health and well being through research, education and advocacy. Both the state chapter and national organization combine the power of an active and concerned citizenry with the credibility of physicians and other health care professionals to promote policies that protect human health from the threats of nuclear war and other weapons of mass destruction, global environmental degradation, and climate change. These man-made threats have a massive impact on public health and security and our concern for each of these issues guides our actions and organizational policies. Joint membership in the Iowa Chapter and National PSR is extended to a broad diversity of health care professionals, health science students, and concerned citizens who together support and advance the core programs of the national PSR as well as related issues of concern to Iowa.

The local chapter of Student Physicians for Social Responsibility (SPSR) was founded in 2003 by a group of UI Carver College of Medicine students dedicated to the realization of the following goals:

Elimination of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction

Achievement of a sustainable environment

Reduction of violence and its causes

Promotion of peace and social justice

Help Us Promote a Healthy World and Become a Member!

Download PSR:Iowa's Membership Form

International Physicians for the Prevention of the Nuclear War

PSR is the United States affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW). IPPNW was recipient of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize.

Iowa Shares

Physicians for Social Responsibility: Iowa Chapter has been a proud member of the Iowa Shares Organization since 2006.


Upcoming Events Nationwide

Climate Nuclear Nexus Forum • Des Moines Botanical Gardens • 900 Robert D. Dr • Des Moines -- 10 AM to 5 PM • Saturday, September 24, 2016 70th Anniversary Hiroshima and Nagasaki Forum followed by Bike Around the Bomb • Ashton House • Iowa City -- August 9, 2015 I-CHATS: Large Scale Wind Power -- May 20 Ed Fallon's Bakken Pipeline Walk (Updated)-- March 2 - April 22 Earth Day Family Fun Fair -- April 26 Read all the Events