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Make a difference in the challenge to confront global warming and prevent nuclear war and the development and use of nuclear weapons.

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Sign our letter calling for University of North Carolina leaders to support their faculty against corporate harassment and intimidation. Academic freedom and the role of independent research is essential for researchers to study threats to health.

Safe Energy

The Safe Energy program focuses on protecting public health, national security and saving taxpayer dollars by preventing the construction of expensive, dirty, and dangerous new nuclear reactors. Even though the first civilian nuclear reactor was turned on over sixty years ago, this mature industry is still dependent on government subsidies and is economically unsound. Nuclear reactors are mired in unresolved safety issues and are a threat to public health. In order to address climate change, protect public health, and meet our energy needs economically, the U.S. must stop subsidizing dirty, dangerous nuclear power and focus on solutions using renewable energy and ramping up low cost efficiency programs.



Radiation & Health






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In the Spotlight

  • October 27, 2016
    Speaking Tour: Heat Advisory
    PSR's Dr. Alan Lockwood visits Chicago on Oct. 27 to highlight the health effects of climate change and speak about his new book, Heat Advisory.