Skiing in Antarctica: The ultimate thing to add to your bucket-list

Forget a week in the Alps – and say hello to the ultimate bucket-list snow-sports expedition, where adventurers get to explore Antarctica by yacht and on skis for 28 days.

Antarctica specialist tour operator Chimu Adventures recently launched the trip, which will see small groups of just five people at a time spending almost a month on the White Continent.

Travellers will see the out-of-this-world landscapes and unique wildlife – which includes leopard seals, humpback whales and penguins – as they traverse the area on skis, in kayaks and on the expedition yacht, the Icebird.

But the biggest attraction of the tour, for winter sports fans, is the chance to ski on untouched slopes.

"For the adventurous at heart, climbing a virgin summit is a breathtaking prospect. And to then attach your skis and be the first person to ski down from the summit is just exciting beyond words," said Chimu's Chad Carey.

However, this once-in-a-lifetime experience isn't for everyone – participants must have a reasonable level of fitness, be capable of skiing black runs and undertake training in roped glacier travel and crevasse rescue beforehand. 

Chimu also underlines the importance of having an "expedition attitude." It says on the website: "This is no package cruise – this is a true travel adventure! Team members are invited to help in sailing the yacht, take a watch at sea and generally muck in with chores around the yacht from anchoring to domestic duties. Everyone is a team member."

It isn't all scrubbing the decks though; the yacht itself is a centrally-heated, high-tech expedition vessel, modern and comfortable for passengers.

A highly experienced skipper, mate and expedition leader accompany guests on the cruise, which departs from Ushuaia in Argentina, the southernmost city in the world.

This month-long adventure doesn't come cheap, priced at $35,205 and includes training, safety gear, use of satellite phones and email, three nights' accommodation in Ushuaia, skis, kayaks, sleds, mountaineering equipment and all meals while onboard.

The first trip departs from Ushuaia on November 19, 2017 – for more information visit

The Telegraph, London
