Art BaselCuntas deimhnithe


Founded in 1970, stages the world's premiere Modern + contemporary art shows in Basel, Miami Beach + Hong Kong. Find us on Instagram .

Basel, Switzerland
Clárú: Feabhra 2009

Tá @ArtBasel coiscthe agat

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  1. Learn more about the 286 galleries from 33 countries exhibiting at Basel 2016 (June 16–19)

  2. Alexej von Jawlensky's 1913 painting 'Frauenkopf' from | Galleries 2016

  3. Love reading artworld news from art publications? Be sure to stop by our Magazines sector:

  4. 88 ambitious projects + 16,000 square meters of exhibition space = Unlimited 2016

  5. Parcours 2016 is open to the public June 13–19. Discover the projects that will be on view:

  6. See which two exhibitors are participating in our Galleries sector for the very 1st time:

  7. ‘Abigail Reynolds wins Art Journey award’, via :

  8. ‘[인터뷰] '아트바젤홍콩'을이끄는파워우먼, 아델린우이', via :

  9. Here's a sneak peek at our Edition sector, your destination for editions, prints + multiples

  10. Reminder: The deadline to apply online for media accreditation is June 12. Accreditation will not be offered on site

  11. Revealed: the full list of Parcours projects at

  12. Don't miss a thing! Check our Events Calendar for details on Basel films, openings + more:

  13. Happy Friday! Start your weekend by browsing this week's beautiful + creative pics

  14. 16 specialists will take part in our Edition sector this year?

  15. Look no further than our online shop for your tickets to Basel 2016 (June 16–19):

  16. Preview some of the performances that will take place in our 2016 Unlimited sector →

  17. to Nancy Rubin's sculpture 'Our Friend Fluid Metal, Chunkus Majoris' from Public 2014 in Miami Beach.

  18. Where will you spot large-scale works by El Anatsui, Stan Douglas + Gretchen Bender?

  19. Simon Fujiwara's 'Golden Dart', 2016 via | Galleries 2016

Tá moill ar an lódáil, is cosúil.

Tá Twitter ag cur thar maoil le gníomhaíocht nó tá fadhb eile ann. Bain triail eile as nó tabhair cuairt ar Stádas Twitter chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil.

    Seans, leis, go dtaitneodh seo leat
