- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 71730
DMP - Wine Up
DMP feat Jeeno - Darling - Official video
'All My Life' DMP Solomon Islands Reggae 2010
DMP - Akaria - clip officiel
DMP Snailgang Freestyle (Official Video)
DMP - Calling ~~~ISLAND VIBE~~~
DMP Jefe - Ona Way ( Prod. YoungKiddOnaTrackk)
DMP - Live As One [Solomon Islands Music 2012/2013]
Solomon Islands top Reggae band 2010 with their hit 'All My Life". Enjoy :-)
Tourné à Honiara à l'hôtel King Solomon, un hôtel dont les batiments sont construits sur une colline et desservis par une voiture à crémallière (qui tombe souvent en panne...). Les structures des batiments en bois jouent les figurants ! Les parties de billa
DMP - Calling (Solomon Islands Reggae) Check out my channel and SUBSCRIBE for more island jams! COMMENT but please be respectful to others. Support Pacific Islander artists so they can continue makin that island music! No copyright violation is intended and videos are for private entertainment purposes only. Any artist not wishing to have their music featured here will have it removed upon request. LYRICS: (some are hard to make out so they may be a lil off) monday the day that u went away and now you so faraway, many miles away oh no i try to find a way, if there is any way for me to say oh my baby girl please come home without say hi you and your mate drove passed me by oh you got me broke down, girl i cry please tell me which number will i dial hope its no...
DMP Društvo mrtvih pesnikov Ti si vse A. Vitezič / A. Vitezič / DMP Režiser: Klemen Dvornik Rad bi bil tvoja senca, ko boš šla, rad bi bil odeja za oba, hočem bit blazina, ko greš spat, rad bi bil fotelj, ko ne moreš stat. Bil bi oblačilo, ko naga si, najbolj nežna ura, ki te zbudi, ledeni sladoled, ki ga poješ, rad bil bi samo tvoj angel, ko umreš. Ker ti si vse, vse, kar jaz imam, danes si tu, a jutri si tam, ker ti si vse, vse kar jaz imam. Bil bi tvoja barva v laseh, na usta ti prilepil bi nasmeh, lahko sem tudi solza, ko jočeš se, bil bi črno vino, da popiješ me. Jaz sem hladen veter, ko ti vroče je, ko je hladno pulover, da segrejem te, kot tvoja rdeča barva na ustnicah, na tvoji roki ležal bi kot beli prah. WWW.DMP.SI
Copyright disclaimer! I do NOT own this song nor the image featured in the video. All rights belong to it's rightful owner/owner's. No copyright infringement intended. For promotional purposes only.
DMP Društvo mrtvih pesnikov Naftalin A. Vitezič / A. Vitezič / DMP Režiser: Klemen Dvornik Ti gledaš z zaprtimi očmi, ti misliš, kar se naučiš. Ti ustvarjaš že narejeno, spreminjaš spremenjeno, sanjaš že storjeno. Ta svet se ne vrti, kot gramofon se praši, potopljeni smo v naftalin, kloniramo iste stvari. Ti hodiš po označenih poteh, ti sanjaš črno beli svet. Ti pišeš že prebrano in zbiraš že izbrano, pričakuješ pričakovano. Ta svet se ne vrti, kot gramofon se praši, potopljeni smo v naftalin, kloniramo iste stvari. www.dmp.si
I don't wanna hear it, all you do is talk about you!
I don't wanna hear it, cause I know none of it is true!
I don't wanna hear it, I'm sick and tired of all your lies!
I don't wanna hear it, when will you realize.
I don't wanna hear it, know you're full of shit!
Shut your fucking mouth, I don't care what you say, you keep talking,
talking shit every day, first you tell your stories, then you tell your lies...