
How to shop for ethical fashion on a budget

With spring racing and Christmas parties just around the corner, it's time to give our wardrobes a boost. But tossing yesterday's clothes for the latest statement sleeve comes at a big cost to the environment and our bank balances.

Is there an ethical way to buy clothes without breaking the budget?

Dressing up for the Melbourne Cup is an Australian tradition.
Dressing up for the Melbourne Cup is an Australian tradition. Photo: Paul Rovere

Clare Press, author of Wardrobe Crisis and Daily Life's Sustainable Style columnist, thinks so. After a decade in fashion journalism and three years as a designer, Press wanted to be able to answer the question – who makes our clothes?

There used to be an easy answer, but today the garment business is a more complicated equation – one that generates about $US1 trillion ($1.3 trillion) a year.

The Melbourne Cup carnival includes a children's fashion segment this year.
The Melbourne Cup carnival includes a children's fashion segment this year. 

In her book Wardrobe Crisis Press explores the history and ethics behind what we wear, shining a mood light on today's buy-and-discard culture.

"The way we produce and shop for clothes has changed in recent years, and, in general, grown less sustainable," Press says.


Millions of dollars worth of used clothing goes into landfill every year. Some of it even emits more harmful gases than CO₂. 

Take polyester: 200 years to biodegrade; 70 million barrels of oil to produce annually.

"And yet the average woman today wears just 40 per cent of what's in her wardrobe", says Press.

Although she isn't keen on fast fashion, Press loves to shop, and she believes there is a way to do so ethically.

"I take my grandmother's advice and buy the best I can afford, quality over quantity, things that make my heart leap that I intend to keep and wear for ages."

If you love high street fashion, Press suggests H&M;'s sustainable Conscious collection, and Zara's Join Life capsule collection. The Good On You app, free to download, succinctly compares brands in the sustainability department.

The average woman wears just 40 per cent of what's in her wardrobe.

Clare Press

Buying only one or two style statements, such as a cleverly cut shirt in white or blue, is another smart way to embrace trends on a budget.

"Sculptural shirting is having a moment," Press advises. "The right one will instantly update the jeans or black pants you already have."

It can also make better financial sense to buy good quality clothes that are built to last, she advises. "Obviously most of us can't afford a Chanel jacket, but for those who can – why not? It will hold its value."

Clara Vuletich*, a sustainability strategist who has consulted with H&M; and Gucci Group, recently delivered a Ted-X talk on How to Engage With Ethical Fashion. Along with Greenpeace and Baptist World Aid, who both fund major campaigns about toxic fashion practices, Vuletich builds awareness around supply chain transparency.

"The reason a T-shirt is $8 is because someone has had to pay somewhere in the supply chain – most of the time it's female production workers in Bangladesh or Vietnam," Vuletich says.

Along with Press, Vuletich nominates vintage as the best way to shop ethically on a budget.

And fashion is having a vintage moment.

"If you look at a brand like Gucci, which is very influential right now, there's a definite '70s inspiration to the styling, with all the pleated skirts and pussy bows, and even the Chinoiserie silks," Press explains.

Clothing staples

What about cotton basics? Conventionally grown cotton accounts for 25 per cent of the world's insecticide use and has been linked to death by toxicity in workers and children.

Both women praise New Zealand label KowTow, which uses GOTS-certified Fair Trade organic cotton.

"Their pieces tend to be quite timeless – shapes that won't go out of style the season after you buy them," says Press.

A basic organic KowTow T-shirt is around $NZ90. That's significantly more than a high street chain, where a basic T-shirt tends to hover around $40 and can be as low as $15.

"Because it's still a niche market, sustainable clothes tend to be 10-15 per cent more expensive," Vuletich says.

So does that mean they are likely to last longer?

Not necessarily. With quality there are two factors – construction of garment and quality of the fabric, Vuletich explains. And quality can't be necessarily quantified.

"The small ethical company may have [garments] made in Bali in a small production house that could be very similar in quality to the fast fashion T-shirt made in Bangladesh."

Fast fashion will always exist, says Vuletich. "But we can start to make the supply chain more transparent so people understand the complex issues and impacts."

Recognising quality

So then what are ways to look for quality in construction?

Badly made T-shirts have poor stitching and often threads are loose. Sometimes hems aren't finished off, leaving fabric free to drift. This is often what you get at a budget fast fashion outlet.

How people wash and care for their clothing also comes into play. "Some people I know have a T-shirt from H&M; that they've had for six years," says Vuletich.

So if the more expensive organic T-shirt shows signs of quality, and the fast fashion one doesn't, then in terms of cost-per-wear, there may be parity between the two. 

"But it is very difficult to say as there are so many variables," Vuletich notes.

Two things we do know. We buy and toss too much clothing; and we only wear 40 per cent of our wardrobe. So the money you save (from not buying that extra 60 per cent) you could put back into quality ethical garments that should last longer.

Press, herself an inveterate vintage dresser, loves "talking point clothes" – clothes with stories behind them that have been made with great skill and craft, and that haven't added to the toxic and ethical woes of the fashion industry.

Pretty clothes with ethical back-stories, the sort of fashion story that we need to see more of.

* Clara Vuletich is the author's sister.

Revamp your wardrobe, while saving money and doing good

  • Buy clothes that you love and want to keep for a long time
  • Pay attention to fabric quality and construction
  • Care for your clothes with the right cleaning and storage
  • Consider vintage fashion
  • Consult the The Good On You app to compare the sustainability record of brands
  • If you can't afford sustainable labels, focus on quality and buying less.