Federal Politics

On air matters: Peter Dutton says new Border Force podcast circumvents left-wing media

The notorious "on water matters" tag has long been used to invoke secrecy around Australia's immigration policies, but now the Australian Border Force has taken its mission to the airwaves.

The ABF is producing its own podcasts, cutting out the media middleman and using a booming platform to deliver its tough-love message straight into the ears of citizens.

Australian Border Force commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg.
Australian Border Force commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg.  Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Immigration Minister Petter Dutton said the agency he oversees had made a "good decision" to get "facts out there because sometimes, particularly through some of the left-wing media outlets, Border Force gets a pretty rough time".

Backed by dramatic music and soundbites from the field work of the agency, the podcast's introduction outlines "a series bringing you the latest news and information from the operational arm of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection".

The ABF podcast.
The ABF podcast. 

The ABF has published two episodes so far, which feature interviews with senior officers and commanders and explore the wide-ranging work of the agency, created by the Abbott government in 2014 to consolidate customs and immigration operations.

In the first episode, the interviewers and on-air talent – including ABF commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg – discuss the agency's genesis, the removal of harmful "ghost nets" from marine environments, regional maritime co-operation, smuggling, and puppies.


The dogs fall under the Detector Dog Program, which sends ABF-bred puppies to foster homes until they are old enough to be trained and deployed.

"Those puppies will now be socialised and enjoy their childhood, as it were, as young dogs, before they come back to us to be turned into well-trained detector dogs," communications officer Matt Warddell tells his interviewer.

In another section, Mr Quaedvlieg says the organisation encourages immigration and citizenship because it creates a "multicultural, pluralist, socially cohesive society".

"But, in that volume, as we open up to the world and we become more attractive, we need to deal with the issue of volumes that come across our border," he says, adding that there is "complexity", which brings threats.

"We know that in those flows there are threats to our community, to the safety of our borders," he says. "And they're not just manifest in the context of illegal migration, maritime arrivals and migration stream."

On Thursday, Mr Dutton told 2GB radio that the recent, controversial ABC Four Corners report on conditions at the Nauru offshore detention centre was a "complete joke" and that a subsequent Media Watch feature on it was a "kangaroo court".

"The flavour of their questions showed how biased they are and the sad part is I don't even think they know what they are doing," he said.

Following a monologue by host Ray Hadley criticising Media Watch for its staffing arrangements and lengthy summer holiday, Mr Dutton responded that "Ultimo's a bit away from your studio but you can probably hear the choking sounds over there now".

"The gagging," Hadley replied.

"Yeah, the gagging," Mr Dutton agreed, later quipping that "the lattes will be going everywhere over there at the moment".

The Immigration Minister has previously accused Fairfax Media of mounting "a bit of a jihad" against the Coalition.

DIBP, which has 82 communications staff, said the podcast "provides an opportunity for the department to speak directly to the public in an open and transparent way about its role at the Australian border and the contribution it makes to a safe and secure community".

A spokesperson said the podcast was being produced by the communications team with existing resources and budgets.

Emergency Management Australia, an agency under the Attorney-General's Department, also has a regular podcast. The Department of Communications and the Arts and the Department of Human Services have produced podcast episodes in the past.

The second ABF podcast episode, released on Tuesday, focuses on the ABFC Ocean Shield vessel, ABF officers working at airports around the world, and training at the Australian Border Force College.

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