
Trump Tower Live: Facebook talk show splutters and gasps but pulls in viewers

It was a few minutes after 7pm on Tuesday when Trump TV conked out.

"We have to pause," said Avi Berkowitz, the 27-year-old director, as he stared at a black square on his laptop where, moments earlier, Episode 2 of Trump Tower Live, the Facebook-only talk show produced by the Donald Trump campaign, had been streaming.

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Rocky start for Trump Tower Live

Donald Trump's new panel show is being livestreamed nightly on Facebook in the lead-up to the US presidential election.

The panelists on the show, standing a few feet away in a makeshift studio inside a bland Trump Tower office, glanced around, confused. A makeup artist hired for the occasion fiddled with her phone. Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City and the night's special guest, kept criticising Hillary Clinton, until somebody noted that the camera had shut off.

Prime-time news, this was not. The set consisted of two wooden tables pressed together, facing a single camcorder on a tripod. The director, who eventually got the feed working again, was a recent Harvard Law School graduate with no broadcasting background.

Donald Trump's new Facebook-only <i>Trump Tower Live</i> talk show: a sign of things to come?
Donald Trump's new Facebook-only Trump Tower Live talk show: a sign of things to come? Photo: Facebook

Yet Trump Tower Live has been seized on as a harbinger of a potential Trump media empire to come.

The show, set to air through election day, debuted this week with a CNN-style crawl, filled exclusively with headlines favourable to Trump, and on-screen graphics borrowed from the cable news playbook. Essentially agitprop presented as news, the program is fuelling speculation that Trump wants to start a network, purveying news and opinion tailored to the candidate's worldview.


Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, has met with media figures to discuss options for a television venture. The proximity to Trump of Stephen K. Bannon, a top campaign adviser and the mastermind of Breitbart News, itself a successful national outlet, has also stoked talk of a media venture.

But speaking at Trump Tower on Tuesday before an evening taping, the creators of the show, who all work for the Trump campaign, dismissed such speculation as baseless.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during the grand opening of Trump International Hotel in ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during the grand opening of Trump International Hotel in Washington, Wednesday on Oct. 26, 2016. Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta

"That's part of a narrative that the left-wing media is trying to spin, in order to somehow suggest that Mr. Trump is not going to win this election," said Boris Epshteyn, a lawyer who often appears on television on behalf of the Trump campaign and who serves as a co-anchor of "Trump Tower Live."

The show "is not a trial balloon," he added. "It's a channel for messaging to voters that haven't been reached yet."

What viewers can expect to see on  Donald Trump's burgeoning Facebook-only election coverage.
What viewers can expect to see on Donald Trump's burgeoning Facebook-only election coverage. Photo: Facebook

Judging by the scene at Tuesday's show, the production was minimal: a five-member team, including a microphone operator in a navy blue Make America Great Again windbreaker, in a room overlooking the Trump Tower atrium.

As talk shows go, the mood was remarkably placid, perhaps because the pro-Trump hosts never disagreed with one another. The panelists - including a former lieutenant governor of New York, Betsy McCaughey - denounced the Affordable Care Act and accused Clinton of committing a variety of criminal acts.

Monday's premiere episode of Trump Tower Live attracted about 60,000 live viewers at one point, solid for Facebook, if meager for cable news.

But by Thursday, the video had been viewed 1.5 million times. That's more than the 1.3 million combined viewers cable networks CNN and MSNBC pulled on one week in September.

For its daily show, the campaign is considering afternoon broadcasts, and it is looking to see whether airing before or after a speech by Trump has an effect on viewership. While many noted that Monday's episode aired at 6:30 p.m., opposite major network newscasts, Sims said that was a coincidence tied to Trump's schedule that night.

Still, the Trump Tower Live crew has not shied away from asserting that it offers a corrective to traditional news outlets. "We're excited to be bypassing the left-wing media," Epshteyn declared on Monday's broadcast, prompting Sims to add, "It would be malpractice on our part if we didn't utilise these massive social media platforms that we have."

Trump, for his part, has said he is focused on winning the election, not creating a media property. He told a Cincinnati radio host on Tuesday, "I have no interest in Trump TV," and industry executives say the startup costs for a news channel would be prohibitive. Even Sean Hannity of Fox News, a dedicated Trump partisan, sounded skeptical when asked about the idea in an interview last week.

"Good luck," Hannity said. "It's going to cost you half a billion just to get in the water."

Still, Berkowitz, the Trump Tower Live director, offered a hint about his show's ambitions.

"Younger people don't watch CNN; they just don't," Berkowitz said, as the studio set was dismantled around him.

"This is how they get information," he added. "This is the best way to bring it to them. And we're happy to do that."