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What body+soul believes in:

Credible – body+soul is the first source of reliable up-to-date information, on any topic the community needs to help propel them into a happier sphere. Our experts deliver the best possible information, reviewed and scrutinised to ensure every word published is trustworthy.

Motivational – our readers find the inspiration they need to effect change in their lives, to move them towards happiness. We offer them the most positive, multi-faceted approach to become happier in their everyday lives.

Accessible– our experts hold conversations and relationships with our readers. Now with a dedicated website body+soul offers an even deeper conversation with readers on the information they need to achieve their goals. body+soul provides the best content and tools for every reader, tailored for the environment, in paper and online.

Realistic – every goal we offer is attainable. Our readers are told the truth, offered the best information and can talk to us while they make up their own minds. Real people and stories form part of the content mix.

Interactive – body+soul utilises a truly multi-platform approach to attracting and retaining readers, providing online and offline touchpoints that allow a comprehensive conversation to develop between our audiences, ourselves and each other.

Enjoyable – at the heart of the brand's DNA lies the need for body+soul to present an enjoyable experience for our readers. "Will this make me feel better?" – is at the crux of everything we provide. This emphasis on benefit ensures our readers continue to return to the brand and provides an honest and reliable context for advertisers.

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Jemma Nicholson
02 8114 7407

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body+soul is Australia's number one health, happiness and wellbeing media brand, and for more than 10 years has been a leading source of inspiration for those who seek to live a happier, healthier life.

Our loyal readers rely on body+soul for expert health, body, food, parenting, beauty and relationship advice, and the body+soul brand is now more accessible than ever before. See what we believe in, learn more about our editorial focus and find out how our audience connection can help advertisers make the most of our brand.

Key Facts




Circulation (SUN)

Source: Readership - emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016. Circulation - ABC Apr-Jun 2016.



mybody+soul is Australia’s home of health and happiness. Combining content from the body+soul newspaper lift out and exclusive online editorial. provides users with daily doses of directional and informative information including exclusive articles and blogs from our trusted experts and editors, plus easy-to-use online health tools. is a brand that women turn to for motivation, inspiration, advice and support. It’s like having your best friend, GP, beauty expert, personal relationship counsellor and life coach at your fingertips.

Our readers are passionate about change and are seeking ways to improve their lives, stress less, stay motivated and achieve their goals. They are conscious of all things health, diet and beauty and are eager to stay informed.

Advertising with will ensure you reach a motivated audience seeking change in their life.

Key Facts


Page views


Unique Audience


Time per person


Page views per person

Source: Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly (Surfing) Total. July 2016