Worried about low sperm count? Here's what to do next

Worried about low sperm count? Here's what to do next

The game plan for dealing with a low sperm count

“Why I got circumcised as an adult”

“Why I got circumcised as an adult”

When Jackson*, a psychologist working in the public health sector, turned 40, he decided to get circumcised. He talks to Margaret Ambrose about what life w...

Prostate cancer symptoms and what to do next

Prostate cancer symptoms and what to do next

Dr Cindy Pan discusses the possible symptoms of prostate cancer and what steps to take.

The A-Z of STIs

The A-Z of STIs

A guide to the symptoms of common sexually transmitted infections in men

Is your penis normal?

Is your penis normal?

5 of the most common penis questions answered

How to check your balls

How to check your balls

A step-by-step guide to checking yourself 'down under' for testicular cancer

Delayed ejaculation - is it really a problem?

Delayed ejaculation - is it really a problem?

Dr Cindy Pan sheds some light on the issue of delayed ejaculation that until now has been left in the dark

Premature ejaculation- Is it all in your head?

Premature ejaculation- Is it all in your head?

Dr Cindy Pan explores whether premature ejaculation is more mental than physical and if there are any solutions

How to up your sex game

How to up your sex game

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks but we have 5 techniques that guarantee to help lift your game in the bedroom

How can I boost my sperm count?

How can I boost my sperm count?

Discover some of the leading causes of male infertility and how you can increase your sperm count naturally.

When men suffer low sex drive

When men suffer low sex drive

Advice on how to increase you or your partner's libido and reconnect as a couple.

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get a good enough erection to have satisfying sexual intercourse.

Male pill in the works

Male pill in the works

body+soul investigates an oral contraceptive for men.

Is sex addiction real?

Is sex addiction real?

Is sexual compulsive disorder a real addiction or is it just an excuse for bad behaviour?

Check up saves Stevens' life

Check up saves Stevens' life

You can never take your health for granted. Hear how a routine check up saved Jon Stevens' life.