
Netball is one of the most popular team sports.

Netball has one of the fastest-growing participation levels of any sport, and with its fast-paced, intensive style providing a range of health and fitness benefits, it's easy to see why.

The pace of a netball game means it's a great calorie burner - you're looking at burning around 450 calories during an average game, which is pretty impressive.

Netball is also great for toning your legs - calves, thighs and buttocks all get a workout. Chest passes can also help tone the arms, shoulders, chest and back.

But while speed and agility are prized attributes in a netballer, being able to read the game is what keeps the pace up. Having a netball brain, and having a good understanding of the other players and anticipating what they will do, is highly prized. Netball is a challenge for the brain.

Playing the game

A game of netball is similar to a game of chess in that you have to work out your next move, and what your opponent is going to do. Netball is not just limited to outdoor games in winter. Many clubs offer twilight competitions in summer and, if you want to take your game indoors, competitions run virtually year-round. Indoor netball also offers the opportunity for blokes to play, with mixed nights running at most centres.

Netball has much to offer - whether you're a defence or attack. You need to keep your muscles and ligaments strong and flexible, so a cross-training regime that incorporates strength and balance training is essential. While a good coach will do plenty of drills and training to improve your skills in the game, it's what a player does on the other days of the week that really give an added boost.

Netball is tough on the knees, ankles and sometimes the lower back, depending on how you jump and land.

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