

Bushwalking is a great way to get in touch with your body as you consciously switch on your core muscles to help with balance and strength.

Leaning into uphill climbs, and leaning back when you're walking downhill, also gets your muscles working in a whole new way, toning and strengthening them with every stride. Bones and joints are also strengthened by the weight-bearing nature of walking. Plus, bushwalking burns about 500 kilojoules in a 20-minute period, depending on the speed and how much weight you're carrying in your backpack.

Because bushwalking terrain is so unpredictable, your body has to work to keep you stable, which means many muscles that are not generally used are activated. Bushwalking works the legs, butt and core more than the traditional form of walking and the hills make it a strong cardiovascular workout as well.

Getting out into Australia's green spaces does a body and a mind good. In fact, Beyondblue has advocated bushwalking as an activity for managing moderate depression and anxiety. "Bushwalking is good for the spirit," says Reid.

Tips for Bushwalking

There's a level of bushwalking suitable for all ages and fitness levels, but follow these precautions:

  • Warm up first with some gentle stretching.
  • Always tell someone where you're going.
  • Take plenty of water and food.

Follow the guidance on the tracks - if the track says it's for advanced walkers, leave it to them. There's a big difference between being fit and being capable of trekking an advanced bushwalking trail. Start on the beginner's trails and build up to the big walks as your knowledge and fitness improve.