Students and Scholars
Corporate Misbehaviour

[Report] No Wonderland for Workers: Investigative Report on Labour Conditions at Disney’s Supplier Factories in China[報告]  樂園背後 工人哀歌:迪士尼供應商勞工狀況調查[报告] 乐园背后 工人哀歌:迪斯尼供应商劳工状况调查

Since our founding in 2005, Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) has been concerned about the labour conditions of Disney’s supplier factories in China. Our [...]

[Job Vacancies] Project Officer and Communications & Media Officer

Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) as an NGO aims at bringing concerned students, scholars, labour activists, and consumers together to monitor corporate [...]

[Report] [Revised Edition 2016] Unveiling The Labour Rights Violations — The Second Investigative Report on UNIQLO’s Suppliers in China[報告]  [2016修訂版]侵犯勞動權益,揭其血色面紗--優衣庫中國製造廠商勞工調查報告之二[报告] [2016修订版]侵犯劳动权益,揭其血色面纱--优衣库中国制造厂商劳工调查报告之二

The UNIQLO campaign aims at unveiling the poor labour conditions in China under the global fast fashion supply chain. It aspires to raise public awareness on the labour issues behind [...]

[Report] Throw Away the Bad Apple – Investigation of Lens Technology[報告] 不要毒「屏」果 還我乾淨手機──藍思科技調查報告[报告] 不要毒「屏」果 还我乾净手机──蓝思科技调查报告

SACOM has started Apple campaign since 2010. Over the years, mobile gadgets have dominated our daily lives. SACOM believes that humanity could go hand in hand with technology innovation. [...]

UNIQLO and Labour Rights: In response to the Fast Retailing CSR Action – Six months after our fact-finding report on harsh working conditions within UNIQLO’s Chinese suppliers優衣庫與工人權利:對迅銷集團社會責任報告的回應——優衣庫中國供應商惡劣用工條件實況調查報告發佈六個月後优衣库与工人权利:对迅销集团社会责任报告的回应——优衣库中国供应商恶劣用工条件实况调查报告发布六个月後

August 21st, 2015
Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour
Human Rights Now
abour Action China

In January 2015, Students & Scholars Against [...]

OPEN LETTER TO UNIQLO: Respect labour rights Cut & Run cannot help the workers!致品牌UNIQLO (優衣庫)的公開信:  尊重勞動權益 中止合作不能保障工人!致品牌UNIQLO (优衣库)的公开信:  尊重劳动权益 中止合作不能保障工人!


26th June, 2015

Respect labour rights

Cut & Run cannot help the [...]

Statement:  Low wages, long hours, fake union!  Decent working conditions to Foxconn workers immediately![聲明]低工資長工時假工會 要求鴻海立即改善工人待遇[声明]低工资长工时假工会 要求鸿海立即改善工人待遇

28 May 2015, Hong Kong

Today (28 May 2015), Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour, together with other local labour rights concern groups [...]

[Joint Statement] Go Beyond a Short-term Improvement in UNIQLO’s suppliers [聯合聲明] 促請UNIQLO(優衣庫) 持續改善監察供應商勞動條件的制度[联合声明] 促请UNIQLO(优衣库) 持续改善监察供应商劳动条件的制度

11 February 2015

[Joint Statement] Go Beyond a Short-term Improvement in UNIQLO’s suppliers 

Students & Scholars Against Corporate [...]

[Statement] Clean Clothes from UNIQLO now! UNIQLO should improve the working conditions of the suppliers in China immediately! [聲明] 要求UNIQLO (優衣庫)立即改善中國供應商用工條件、還我們乾淨衣服![声明] 要求UNIQLO (优衣库)立即改善中国供应商用工条件丶还我们乾净衣服!

[Statement] Clean Clothes from UNIQLO now! UNIQLO should improve the working conditions of the suppliers in China immediately! 

Today, we are at the UNIQLO store in [...]

[Statement] iSlave 6 : Harsher than Harsher! Still Made in Sweatshops![聲明] 更大了,還是血汗生產![声明] 更大了,还是血汗生产!

[Statement] iSlave 6 : Harsher than Harsher! Still Made in Sweatshops!

19th September, 2014, Hong Kong

Today (19th September) is the official launch day of [...]

[Statement/Petition] Demand all denim brands to stop sandblasting![聲明/聯署信] 我們要求所有牛仔服飾品牌立即禁止噴砂工序![声明/联署信] 我们要求所有牛仔服饰品牌立即禁止喷砂工序!

9 July 2013, Hong Kong

Guangdong province in China is home of approximately half of the world’s denim production supplying garment for popular high street brands like Lee, [...]

Latest Entries

[Job Vacancy] Project Officer (Deadline: 21 August 2016)

Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) as an NGO aims at bringing concerned students, scholars, labour activists, and consumers together to monitor corporate behaviour and to advocate for labour rights. SACOM currently has one vacancy on:

Project Officer


As the Project Officer, the appointee will be required to:

  • provide day-to-day administrative and secretarial support to the organization;
  • give aid to compile reports on corporate social responsibilities and labour rights;
  • keep communications with international partners and networks;·
  • maintain media and public relations;
  • draft proposal for fundraising [...]

Reality Behind Brands’ CSR Hypocrisy: An Investigative Report on China Suppliers of ZARA, H&M, and GAP

SACOM (Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior) has been concerned about working conditions in suppliers in China manufacturing for fashion brands since it was founded. On July 19th, SACOM launched its investigative report targeted Zara, H&M and Gap, which are undoubtedly the top three of the most valuable brands in the global fashion industry today together with a html 5 online game, “Fast Fashion Sweatshop Escape” (

In the spring of 2015 and 2016, SACOM conducted undercover investigations inside four of Zara, H&M, and GAP’s supplier factories in China. Despite three brands’ CSR policies appear to be comprehensive and enable them to proclaim ethical, SACOM’s investigation reveals remarkable disparity [...]

Joint statement of labour organisations on missing compensation and poor working conditions in Disney’s supplier factories

Disney has long emphasized magic in its products. Yet, for workers in Disney’s supplier factories in China, this magic has never worked. In reality, these workers are exploited by Disney: facing risks of having their fingers crushed by the old machinery and being exposed to chemicals and dust, they work long hours but earn low wages. These people have put in a great deal of effort to produce products, thus helping to sustain and spread the fantasy woven by Disney. However, their contribution has never been acknowledged – they even lack a proper and legitimate remuneration.

[Report] No Wonderland for Workers: Investigative Report on Labour Conditions at Disney’s Supplier Factories in China

Since our founding in 2005, Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) has been concerned about the labour conditions of Disney’s supplier factories in China. Our earlier investigation revealed frequent work injuries in these factories, and a number of employees’ fingers had been cut off due to ageing equipment. Disney responded by introducing some changes to factories and making their list of factories public. Yet a “fairy-tale ending” has yet to be realized: 10 years later, our new investigative report finds that the employees still hardly make ends meet, with considerable risk of getting injured.

[Report] [Revised Edition 2016] Unveiling The Labour Rights Violations — The Second Investigative Report on UNIQLO’s Suppliers in China

The UNIQLO campaign aims at unveiling the poor labour conditions in China under the global fast fashion supply chain. It aspires to raise public awareness on the labour issues behind UNIQLO’s trendy clothes and urges the company to correct the labour rights violations, which SACOM has found in the latest investigation on its supplier factories.

In January 2015, Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM), Labour Action China (LAC), and a Tokyo-based international organization, Human Rights Now (HRN), jointly launched the first investigation into labour conditions at two of UNIQLO’s key suppliers in China: Pacific Textile Ltd (Pan Yu) and Dongguan Luen Thai Garment Co., Ltd. After the launch of SACOM’s first investigative [...]

[Press Release] Throw Away the Bad Apple – Labour groups call for ethical production!

25 September 2015, Hong Kong

Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM), together with Worker Empowerment (WE), Globalization Monitor (GM), Left 21, Labour Education & Service Network (LESN), Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC) staged a protest outside Apple Store in Canton Road this morning (25 September) to urge Apple to apply immediate measures to rectify exploitations in its supply chain from root causes and to release its latest investigative report on Lens Technology. The investigation took place from January to June 2015, discovered various issues of labour condition in the factory.