Greens try to nobble Murdoch journalists like me

How interesting and how typical of green zealots that they try to win an argument by bulling, not talking. Wikileaks now reveals just what the likes of Graeme Wood are up to in trying to silence Murdoch journalists like me.

Australian entrepreneur and ­aspiring media mogul Graeme Wood has been named as a backer of a $US2 million campaign against media outlets controlled by Rupert Murdoch and their stance on climate change.

The claim was made in an email last year from veteran US liberal public relations guru David Fenton to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta, revealed in the ­latest dump of Podesta emails on Julian Assange’s website WikiLeaks.

In the email, Mr Fenton tells Mr Podesta that a “Graeme Wood in Australia” has made a “real pledge” of the first $US500,000 towards what he ­describes as “A Campaign Against Rupert Murdoch’s ­Climate ­Denialism”.

Mr Wood, who made his fortune by creating the Wotif travel-booking website, has been a generous supporter of leftist ­causes. In 2010, he made Australia’s single largest corporate ­donation — $1.68m to the Greens — and an additional $25,000 to activist group GetUp!...

In a document contained in the email to Mr Podesta, Mr Fenton talks of how the planned campaign would “go after” Murdoch-controlled outlets including The Wall Street Journal and Fox News.

The tactics would include placing advertisements and ­publicising cases where the ­Murdoch media refused to run them, singling out News Corp board members and top executives and pressure for an advertising boycott. One tactic would be to “target key Fox and WSJ advertisers to withdraw their ads until Murdoch outlets acknowledge humans are changing the climate”...

Mr Fenton’s document says the plan would be to “replicate these and other relevant tactics in Australia and the UK”, presumably including against News Corp Australia, publisher of The Australian. In the email dated February 19, 2015, Mr Fenton wrote to Mr Podesta: “I have 500,000 of this pledged if I can raise another million. It’s a real pledge from Graeme Wood in Australia. I sure hope something like this can happen. It’s long overdue.”

Efforts to contact Mr Wood yesterday were unsuccessful.

Wood must be frustrated. He has financially backed the Guardian Australia which dutifully runs all the climate alarmism he could possibly wish for his cash:


If people choose not to read the Guardian's propaganda, is the answer really to stop them reading an alternative point of view in a rival publication?