Who let them in? The latest murderous example

Our refugee and immigration programs put Australians in danger. The latest example -a murder in Sydney that exposes a cast of alarming characters.

Who let them or their families into this country?

Police fear further gangland shootings following the killing in his driveway yesterday of a Sydney man suspected in the assassination of an organised crime figure.

Hamad Assaad, 29, who was a known player among Sydney’s loose network of Middle Eastern crime gangs, was yesterday shot dead in front of his 12-year-old son by two men who had been watching the property from a black Audi...

An operation led by detectives from the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad will try to prevent retaliatory attacks in the aftermath of yesterday’s killing...

Assaad was among some 10 suspects police identified during investigations into the murder of 40-year-old Walid Ahmad, who was shot dead by a hooded gunman outside a cafe at Bankstown Central Shopping Centre in April.

A father of six, Ahmad was a leader of one of Sydney’s dominant Middle Eastern crime families ...

Ahmad, a convicted killer jailed over another fatal shooting in 2002, built his reputation through extortion, drugs and car rebirthing. Before his death, police ­wanted to question him in relation to the murder of 32-year-old ­Safwan Charbaji, who was shot in the head outside The A Team Body Works in nearby Condell Park three weeks earlier...

A young mother, Hoda Darwiche, was sitting at a neighbouring cafe table when Ahmad was killed and was caught by a stray bullet, although she survived...

The detective leading the homicide investigation, Grant Taylor, yesterday confirmed ­Assaad was a “targeted shooting” and the victim was “known for a number of reasons” to police. Among the reasons was he had been charged, but not convicted, over the drive-by murder of ­Mohamad Alahmad, who was ­allegedly caught up in a love triangle with a local crime boss.

It almost reads like a crime report from Beirut. Why have we imported such trouble?


Who let in this Sudanese refugee? Why?

A teenager who drove around Melbourne with three friends, robbing people of cash and mobile phones for three days was addicted to ice, which he had always been given for free, a court has heard.

Mursal Biel, 18, stole a former taxi with other young people understood to have suspected links to the notorious Apex gang.

The group drove around inner-Melbourne suburbs including Richmond and Southbank over three days in April, asking people if they could use their mobile phones and attacking them or threatening to when they refused, the County Court heard at a pre-sentence hearing on Tuesday...

Defence counsel Caitlin Blakeney said that Biel was affected by alcohol, ice and cannabis during the crime spree...

She said psychiatrists had assessed him as having a "borderline" low intellect, with poor impulse control.

And he's brought into this country? Who made that decision?