Daily Life

'A problem of hidden hazards': Common fragrances a public health problem

The air-freshener in the bathroom at work automatically sprays an artificial, saccharine scent that assaults your nostrils.

I have always assumed that whatever is in it can't be healthy, just like the sharp perfumed smell of various surface sprays and household cleaners. It turns out it's true, but it may be just as true for the "natural" scented candle I have burning in my bedroom, the lemon-scented laundry liquid I use or the delightful-smelling perfume I spray.

A new study by Professor Anne Steinemann of the University of Melbourne, has found that more than a third of people report adverse health problems, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, seizures, rashes and asthma attacks, when exposed to common fragrance products.

"It is a problem of hidden hazards," says Steinemann, a world expert on environmental pollutants, air quality, and health effects. A problem that is increasingly common as use of scented products grows and one that is not limited to those experiencing an acute reaction.

"Approximately 99 per cent of Australians are exposed to these products at least once a week and probably every day," Steinemann says. "We're not always aware of the health effects – people don't always have an immediate response. You may be adversely affected without knowing you are."

Interestingly, Steinemann's research (she has completed two studies with similar findings – one with Americans, that is published and one with Australians, which is about to be published) found that it didn't matter what the product was.


"If it had a fragrance people reported a problem," she tells Fairfax Media of the study published in the journal Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. That includes "natural" or "organic" products.

"Essential oils and so-called 'natural' fragranced products can pose the same hazards," Steinemann explains. Although she says that synthetic fragrances are often "thousands of times less expensive" to produce, many "natural" fragrances are meddled with more than we realise.

"Essential oils can be extracted with petrochemicals," she reveals.

"What people don't know is that there is no requirement for a fragranced product to disclose all its ingredients," Steinemann says. "Labels typically show fewer than 3 per cent of all ingredients, according to my research."

Although cosmetics and personal care products have to list ingredients, they do not need to list the breakdown of chemicals in the fragrance. It can simply say "fragrance" as the ingredient, despite the fact that many fragrances are made up of dozens to hundreds of chemicals, including some hazardous air pollutants.

"Odour-neutralising products are not necessarily a solution," Steinemann adds. "They often have a masking fragrance, which can have the same type of effect as a regular fragrance." An effect that proves disabling in severity for half of those who experience a reaction.

"It's a huge public health problem," says Steinemann, whose ongoing research explores why these products are causing such a range of reactions. "It's a real concern to workplaces as well – not only can it make people sick, but it can also affect productivity and profits."

Steinemann says it is an unnecessary problem that could be dealt with by using fragrance-free products and increasing ventilation, instead of attempting to mask bad smells, a la the nasty air freshener in my, and many other, workplaces.

"These are products that are supposed to be pleasing to people but they're making people sick," she adds, noting that more than 20 per cent of customers would enter a business but then leave as quickly as possible if they smelled an air freshener or fragrance product.

"People may think that they need a fragrance for healthy air. The opposite is actually true.

"A fragranced product isn't intended to clean the air or improve air quality. It adds a chemical mixture to the air and poses health risks."

Steinemann's fragrance tips

  • "You can clean perfectly well without fragrance products," she says, suggesting vinegar and baking soda or a cut lemon or orange to clean with and hydrogen peroxide to bleach with.

  • Chemicals absorb into our systems in a variety of ways. "If you can't eat it or drink it you may not want to clean with it," she says. 

  • Are there any fragrances that people can tolerate? The scent of real fruits, vegetables, spices and flowers, not lemon, orange or floral 'aromas', for example.