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Abahlali to launch a new branch in Ekurhuleni

Press Statement: 13 October 2016

Abahlali to launch a new branch in Ekurhuleni

Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA is expanding to a new province: Gauteng. This Saturday Abahalali baseMjondolo will be launching a new branch in Good Hope, Ekurhuleni in the Gauteng Province. The launch will be held on 15th October 2016 at 10:00 in the Good Hope Community Hall.

Abahlali baseMjondolo has been successfully expanding a living politics into other provinces. The movement has recently launched two branches in the Western Cape. The movement is also set to launch branches in the Bizane municipality, Eastern Cape. New branches have also recently been launched in Kwazulu Natal: Gonowakhe, Umshwati Municipality and Bhambayi, Durban. Continue reading

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S’bu Zikode to Speak at Schools in Estcourt on Friday

14691091_1272611039435812_1098971015572243898_nWednesday, 12 October 2016

Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

S’bu Zikode to Speak at Schools in Estcourt on Friday

S’bu Zikode, the current president of Abahlali baseMjondolo has been invited to speak to the learners at the two schools that he attended: Inkosi Mjwayeli Primary School and Bonokuhle High School where he was matriculated. Both Bonokuhle and Inkosi Mjwayeli are situated in Estcourt in eMangweni, eMoyeni. Continue reading

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Abahlali baseMjondolo will hold the Unveiling Ceremony of the late Cde Thuli Ndlovu on 1 October

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Abahlali baseMjondolo will hold the Unveiling Ceremony of the late Cde Thuli Ndlovu on 1 October

14449012_1260069120690004_1902728699204971840_nToday marks exactly two years since the assassination of our comrade Thuli Ndlovu. Thuli was a member of the Abahlali National Council and the Chairperson of the KwaNdengezi Branch. She was assassinated on the 29 September 2014 at about 19:30pm. She was carrying her daughter Freedom. She was also with Siphesihle Madlala. Siphesihle, who is Thuli ‘s neighbour, was in the house to assist Thuli’s older daughter, Slindile, with home work. At that time she was doing her matric. The gunman fired eight shorts at Thuli and she died on the scene. Madlala was also shot in his stomach but he was rushed to hospital and survived the painful experience. Thuli left two kids Slindile and Freedom. She also left her Mom. As a result of a long struggle her killers, two ANC councillors, were brought to book. But the reality remains that her kids will never have a Mom again.

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Women’s Power Meeting – 7 August 2016

05 August 2016

Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA Press Statement

Women’s Power Meeting – 7 August 2016DSCF1438

As part of the commemoration of the 60 year anniversary since the heroines marched to the Union Building against the Pass Laws and for gender and racial equality on the 9th August 1956 Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA will hold a Women’s Power Meeting at the Surat Hindu and Association Hall in Prince Edward Street in Durban on the 7th of August.

We will be honouring the Heroines who marched in 1956. We will also be honouring Thuli Ndlovu, Nqobile Nzuza, Thembi Zungu, Bongi and Fikile Nkosi who lost their lives still fighting for dignity and equality for women living in the shacks. Continue reading

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Abahlali Gender equality workshop

Abahlali Gender Equality Workshop                                                                         DSCF1422

Sunday, 31 July 2016

The workshop was attended by at least 120 women, men and youth. The workshop was held as a significant mark of closing ‘’men’s month of July’’ and the beginning of August focusing on women’s power and rights.

Purpose of the workshop: For a very long time Abahlali have been very sensitive to gender equality issues. The movement has always had high respect for women and has made an enormous effort to promote and support women’s power and women’s activities within the movement. We have always been clear that the strength of the movement is founded on women’s power. However although all leadership positions in the movement are elected positions there has been a challenge in women occupying leadership position in the movement. At the branch level there have been many women leaders. But at the level of the movement’s overall structures there have always been more men than women in leadership. So the workshop aimed at breaking and exposing the fear of the unknown as well as some of the hidden bearers that we may not be aware of as Abahlali. The discussion was much broader and went beyond the question of men and women and included a discussion on LGBTI rights. Continue reading

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Our lives count for nothing as we are left to die in the shacks

27 July 2016

Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Our lives count for nothing as we are left to die in the shacks

Rain is usually considered as a blessing. It is often considered as a gift from the Almighty and amaDlozi. During the drought we were all waiting for the rain to come. But the storms in Durban hit impoverished people, and especially shack dwellers, very hard. Peoples’ possessions and homes were damaged and destroyed. Lives were lost.

Our lives do not count as human lives to this society. It is sad and shameful that we are living the life that we are living. Continue reading

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Evictions at gun point continue at the Kennedy Road settlement

14 July 2016
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Evictions at gun point continue at the Kennedy Road settlement

We have faced many evictions in the city of Durban since our movement was formed in 2005. Almost all these evictions have been violent, unlawful and criminal.

We have stopped almost all these evictions through organised resistance, mass protest and action in the courts. When the state has attempted to change the law to make it easier for them to evict us we have defeated them in court. In 2009 we won against the “Slums Act” at the Constitutional Court. Last year we also won against the “blanket order” sought by the KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Human Settlements. The “blanket order” was intended to authorise mass evictions and to prevent the occupation of at least 1 568 properties in KwaZulu-Natal. Continue reading

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The Political and Economic Challenges Facing the Provision of Municipal Infrastructure in Durban

12 July 2016
Wits and University of Michigan Workshop on the Politics of Municipal Infrastructure held at the Durban University of Technology

The Political and Economic Challenges Facing the Provision of Municipal Infrastructure in Durban

S’bu Zikode

I wish to take this opportunity to thank the organisers of this workshop for recognising the struggle of Abahlali baseMjondolo. Today I wish to extend my gratitude to Wits and to Michigan for inviting me to share Abahlali‘s experience in our dignified struggle which includes struggle for land, housing, water, sewerage, electricity and transport. Continue reading

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The Burning Season is Here

05 July 2016
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA

The Burning Season is Here

Shack fires are a constant danger. But that danger becomes more serious in winter. This is because during winter people who are living in shacks are trying to keep warm. As a result people resort to making fires which increases the risk of their homes being burnt. There was a serious fire in the Foreman Road settlement in Durban in the past month leaving hundreds of people destitute. On Sunday five people lost their lives in the fire that burnt down the Plastic View settlement in Pretoria. On the same day another fire broke out in the Kenville settlement in Durban which left 76 families without homes and their documents, work clothes and school uniforms burnt. Continue reading

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Youth Day Drug Awareness & Talents Competition Event

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement of South Africa Youth League Press Statement

Youth Day Drug Awareness & Talents Competition Event

We as the youth of the South African nation want to live in peace and dignity regardless of colour or race. We want to live in a society where there is free quality education and everyone can develop themselves to their full potential. We want to live in a society where there is work or an income for everyone. We want to live in a society where the social value of urban land is placed before its commercial value and cities are governed and planned democratically. Continue reading

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Mama ubuyiqhawe noMholi ukulwile ukulwa okuhle

Ngithi hhay uyinqokonqoko wena ongabonwayo..
Wena uyinqongqo mihla yonke..
Ungusomaqhuzu ozimele..
Iqhawe ngisho selulele..
Walinika amandla.

Ubile yinqhawe lamama kwaze kwafika ekugcineni
Bambulala abazitshel ukuth bangongqondongqondo
Becabanga ukuthi kuzoba njengejwayelo banethezeke
Kanti sebefik komunye ungqondongqondo
UNdlovukayphikiswa…Iqhawe lethu. Continue reading

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Justice for Thuli Ndlovu!

Friday, 20 May 2016
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Justice for Thuli Ndlovu!

Breaking news: ANC Councillors Velile Lutyeku and Mduduzi Ngcobo, along with their hitman Mlungisi Ndlovu have been found guilty of murdering Thuli Ndlovu in the Durban High Court.

Today, the Durban High Court has found that all three accused are guilty on count one of murdering Thuli Ndlovu. They were also all found guilty of conspiring to murder Thuli Ndlovu and accused number one Mlungisi Ndlovu, the gunman was further sentenced to 12 years for attempted murder. This was because when Thuli Ndlovu was assassinated Sphesihle Madlala was shot at his stomach but survived. When Ploos van Amstel J handed down the judgement he said that the community is not safe if the three were to be allowed back in the community.

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Judgment to be Handed Down in the Trial of the ANC Councillors Accused of the Assassination of Thuli Ndlovu

Thursday, 19 May 2016
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Judgment to be Handed Down in the Trial of the ANC Councillors Accused of the Assassination of Thuli Ndlovu

Thuli Ndlovu, our chairperson in KwaNdengezi and a brave and respected comrade, was assassinated in her home on the 29th of September 2014. She was very active in the fight against corruption and the abuse of the rights of impoverished people. She was in the forefront in the protests against the selling of RDP houses. Thuli was also a mother of two children who must now remain without a mother for the rest of their lives.

Our movement faced serious repression since it was formed in 2005 including arrest, assault, torture, murder and the destruction of our homes. We are not the only people who have had to face the politic of blood in KwaZulu-Natal. NUMSA comrades have also been assassinated. Murder has been carried out with impunity at the Gleblands Hostel and elsewhere. There is now regular violence, including assassination, within the ANC. Continue reading

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Death threats in Bizana after an Abahlali protest march against Rumdel mining and road construction

Thursday, 19 May 2016
URGENT Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Death threats in Bizana after an Abahlali protest march against Rumdel mining and road construction

On Monday Abahlali baseZilalini ,who are part of Abahlali baseMjondolo, organised a protest in Bizana. It has invited all sort of trouble.

The peaceful march was a success with more then 800 people in the protest. Rumdel representative Mr Johan Human received the Memorandum of demands despite all threats that were made by Mbizana municipality claiming that the march was illegal. The police were friendly to us and work closely with us knowing that we had followed all the legal procedures in term of the Regulation of Gathering Act. We had the support of workers and some local taxi owners’ associations. Continue reading

UPM: Minister of Police Pays Damages to Ayanda Kota for 2012 Assault in the Grahamstown Police Station

Monday, 17 October 2016

Unemployed People’s Movement Press Statement

Minister of Police Pays Damages to Ayanda Kota for 2012 Assault in the Grahamstown Police Station

On 12 January 2012 Ayanda Kota was subject to a serious assault, in the presence of his son (then six years old), in the Grahamstown police station. His trousers were pulled down to his ankles and he was beaten by a number of police officers.  As the beating was taking place one of the police officers called others to ‘see the news-maker of the year now’. Continue reading