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Ever since the first debate between Hillary and Trump, many have remarked on the “ugliness” of this election season. It sounds so nice and bipartisan to call them both clowns and loftily pronounce yourself to be above the fray, but this is flagrant false equivalence. While I haven’t always agreed with Hillary on everything, relative to Trump she’s been a model candidate. 

It’s worth noting that throughout history, people have said women can’t be president because they are too emotional, but Hillary has admirably demonstrated how a female candidate can have much greater self-control than her male opponent.

Follow Jen on Twitter at @JenSorensen

As we close in on Election Day at last, take a look back at how we got here with my new book, collecting cartoons from 2014 through the summer of 2016! 

There was another round of Republicans unendorsing their party’s nominee, and there will probably be another by the time you’re reading this. Despite all the vocal denouncements, they’re still going to vote for him. Dracula has more integrity.

As the Orange Giant collapses upon itself, all news and insight disappears into the black hole of the current campaign universe. With each outlandish statement or unhinged tweet, the self-destructing star sucks up all available attention and oxygen.  

While Hillary Clinton has definitely not been given a free pass, in a normal election her email, foundation and financial issues might have held the public’s attention for longer than, oh, five minutes. It’s SO hard to compete with naked beauty contestants, “Mexican rapists” and Billy Bush footage.

The very things that gave Trump his power—his outlandishness, brashness, idiocy, etc.— are detracting all the attention from any flaws of his opponent. With each FBI report or email drip, drooling Republicans are soon frustrated by the latest Donald tweet storm or fat-shaming episode. If I was as conspiratorial as Trump, I’d say he was some kind of Democratic plant. Enjoy the cartoon, and be sure to visit me behind-the-scenes on my Patreon page.

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GET Ruben Bolling’s new hit book series for kids, The EMU Club Adventures. (”A book for the curious and adventurous!” -Cory Doctorow) Book One here. Book Two here.

Follow me on Twitter at @MattBors and check out Nibmoji, political emoji featuring Hillary, Trump, deplorables, mansplainers and Black Lives Matter.

Keef will present his world-famous police brutality cartoon slideshow in Germany!  Details here.


A few relevant articles in case you missed them: One of the women alleging sexual misconduct by Trump is now fleeing the country out of concerns for her safety. Lou Dobbs retweeted the home address and phone number of accuser Jessica Leeds, which was dug up by a conservative website. Trump spokeswoman AJ Delgado said “any reasonable woman would have come forward” with the accusations earlier. Delgado also claimed to be offended by the allegations, invoking some bizarre feminist reasoning from another planet:

“As a woman, I’m livid having read this. Not only are these accusations simply not credible but it’s disgusting that the New York Times is trivializing sexual assault this way. I take great offense at that, as a woman.”

Trump himself called NY Times reporter Megan Twohey “a disgusting human being” for even reporting on the accusations. A Wall Street Journal reporter tweeted that a Trump crowd in NC chanted "Lock her up!" in reference to the accusers.

In light of all this, I recommend this Vox article: “Trump is giving us a master class in why #WomenDontReport

Follow Jen on Twitter at @JenSorensen

Hey! I’ve got a new book!

I drew and submitted this just before the audio of Trump’s assault comments came out, so I offer my apologies for the soft language in this cartoon.

As the election crawls into its final weeks, human toad and hot ham enthusiast Scott Walker is busy disenfranchising as many of Wisconsin’s voters as possible. Other Republicans are doing the same in their states, thanks to the Supreme Court’s gift of gutting the Voting Rights Act.

Well, he just keeps getting creepier and creepier. Now that Donald Trump’s sexual assault history was made public with the Billy Bush tape, accounts of Trumpian assault are coming fast and furious. The Republican leadership that has supported him, of course, are shocked, SHOCKED at the behavior of their presidential nominee.

For some reason, calling Mexicans rapists, mocking disabled people and wanting to ban Muslims was not enough for the GOP politicos to dump Trump. (And apparently, even a recording where Trump describes gleefully describes sexually assaulting women is also not enough.) Anybody but Hillary, you know.

Even though I’m happy to see Trump tumbling, I’m disappointed it didn’t start sooner with his actual policy pronouncements (or what passes for Trump policy pronouncements). It looks like good ol’ fashioned lying and philandering (and criminal sexual assault) may be the beginning of the end for The Donald. Stay tuned, as always, and be sure to go behind-the-scenes with me over at my Patreon page.