• Algorithmic Transparency

    White House Releases Reports on Future of Artificial Intelligence

    The White House has released two new reports on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the US economy and related policy concerns. Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence surveys the current state of AI, applications, and emerging challenges for society and public policy.

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  • Privacy Law Sourcebook

    EPIC Publishes "Privacy Law Sourcebook 2016"

    EPIC proudly announces the 2016 edition of the Privacy Law Sourcebook, the definitive reference guide to US and international privacy law. The Privacy Law Sourcebook is an edited collection of the primary legal instruments for privacy protection in the modern age, including United States law, International law, and recent developments. Available for free to NGOs.

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  • WhatsApp Complaint image

    EPIC, CDD Charge WhatsApp Policy Change Unlawful, Urge FTC to Act

    EPIC and the Center for Digital Democracy have filed a complaint with the FTC concerning WhatsApp's plan to transfer user data, including personal phone numbers, to Facebook. This reversal contradicts WhatsApp’s previous promises to users that their personal information would not be disclosed and would not be used for marketing purposes.

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  • Secret Ballot report image

    EPIC, Verified Voting, Common Cause Release Report on Ballot Secrecy

    EPIC, Verified Voting, and Common Cause have released a report highlighting the right to a secret ballot and how Internet voting threatens voter privacy. All 50 states recognize ballot secrecy as a core value. Despite this, 32 states and DC are promoting Internet voting, typically for overseas and military voters, and are asking those voters to waive their right to a secret ballot.

    secretballotatrisk.org »

  • Data Protection 2016 image

    EPIC Launches "Data Protection 2016" to Make Privacy a Campaign Issue

    Noting widespread concern about the state of privacy in America, EPIC has launched "Data Protection 2016," a non-partisan campaign to make data protection an issue in the 2016 election. DataProtection2016 shows widespread support for stronger privacy protections in the United States. Campaign materials, including buttons and stickers, are available.

    Visit dataprotection2016.org »

  • EPIC Cloud 2016

    EPIC 2016

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2016, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, student privacy, and government surveillace, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Privacy Law and Society

    Privacy Law and Society Casebook, Third Edition

    The Third Edition of Privacy Law and Society by Anita Allen and Marc Rotenberg is the most comprehensive casebook on privacy law ever produced. It traces the development of modern privacy law, from the early tort cases to present day disputes over drone surveillance, facial recognition, and the Internet of Things.

    Learn more at privacylawandsociety.org »

  • Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2016, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, student privacy, and government surveillace, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Privacy In the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions image

    Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions

    EPIC's new book, Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions is an essential reference for policy makers and researchers, journalists and scholars, and others looking for answers to one of the biggest challenges of our modern day. The premise is clear: there’s a problem - let's find a solution.

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Top News

EPIC Scrutinizes FBI "Insider Threat" Database

In comments to the FBI, EPIC criticized a proposed "Insider Threat" database that would gather virtually unlimited amounts of personal data outside the protections of the federal Privacy Act. EPIC urged the FBI to limit the scope of data collection and drop proposed Privacy Act exemptions. Citing the recent surge in government data breaches, including the breach of 21.5 m records at OPM, EPIC warned that FBI data practices pose a risk to federal employees. EPIC has consistently warned against inaccurate, insecure, and overbroad government databases. Earlier this year, EPIC filed comments with DOD and DHS regarding similarly flawed proposals to expand data collection without adequate privacy safeguards.

EPIC Promotes "Algorithmic Transparency" at Annual Meeting of Privacy Commissioners

Speaking at the 38th International Conference of the Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Marrakech, EPIC President Marc Rotenberg highlighted EPIC's recent work on algorithmic transparency and also proposed two amendments to Asimov's Rules of Robotics. Rotenberg cautioned that autonomous devices, such as drones, were gaining the rights of privacy - control over identity and secrecy of thought - that should be available only for people. Rotenberg also highlighted EPIC's recent publication "Privacy in the Modern Age", the Data Protection 2016 campaign, and the various publications available at the EPIC Bookstore. The 2017 Privacy Commissioners conference will be held in Hong Kong.

DC Appeals Court Hears Arguments in Telemarketing Privacy Case

The federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. heard oral arguments Wednesday in a case with major implications for telephone privacy. The suit, ACA International v. FCC, was brought against the Federal Communications Commission by telemarketing companies and others challenging rules adopted under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act that prohibit automated calls made to cell phones without their consent. EPIC and six consumer privacy groups filed an amicus brief in the case, stressing the importance of privacy protections for cell phone users. EPIC also challenged a claim made by the telemarketers that "37 million" numbers were reassigned each year, making it difficult, the companies claimed, to comply with the privacy law. During the argument, one of the judges pressed the telemarketers' attorney on the point (audio), citing research in the EPIC amicus brief. EPIC frequently participates as amicus curiae in cases that raises novel privacy issues.

EPIC and Coalition Urge Presidential Candidates to Adopt Good Government Policies »

EPIC, Consumer Coalition Tells FCC to Limit Health Care Robocalls »

New Study Shows Public Does Not Trust Social Media Privacy, Supports Stronger Privacy Laws »

European High Court Rules that Dynamic IP Addresses are Personal Data »

Privacy Commissioners Adopt Resolutions on Student Privacy, Privacy Metrics »

DoD Exempts "Insider Threat" Database from Privacy Act Safeguards »

EPIC news Archive »

EPIC's Work

Open Government image

Open Government »

EPIC v. DOJ: Seeking unpublished reports from the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General.

Appellate Advocacy image

Appellate Advocacy »

In re SuperValu: Whether Victims of Data Breaches Must Suffer Certainly Impending or Actual Concrete Harms (i.e., Damages) In Order to Sue

epic.org/state-policy/ image

EPIC State Policy Project »

EPIC's State Policy project, launched in the Spring of 2015, aims to track legislation across the country to identify trends and emerging issues impacting privacy and civil liberties.

Data Protection 2016 image

Privacy Campaigns »

EPIC has launched "Data Protection 2016," a non-partisan campaign to make data protection an issue in the 2016 election.