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""Fighting Democrats" Rake-in Big Telecom Bucks"


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do it so much better than the Germans back in the 30's.

I wonder if they're still capable of any shame, and if so, did whoring themselves out *so cheaply* make them feel a little dirty, maybe a bit used?

I mean really; a few tens of thousands?

Ah but I forget...that's what's public record. There were surely sweet real estate deals on the sly, kickbacks to family members, the usual corporatocratic malfeasance.

June 26, 2008 at 10:57 AM

Blogger Antifascist said...

Shame? What the U.S. Congress! ;)

Streetwalkers have more innate human dignity than these frauds and fools.

What sends me into orbit are the lame excuses "liberals" and even "leftists" make for these corporate grifters. They've had "control" of the House and Senate for two years... has it made a scintilla of difference?

'Nuff said.

June 26, 2008 at 5:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of a guy in England called Andi Ali? This guy is the worlds number target for nazis. Do you have contact details for him.

July 26, 2008 at 8:10 AM

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