TRIPS: The Story of How Intellectual Property Became Linked to Trade (3/7)

26 October 2016 — TRNN

Countries like India and Brazil saw early on how excessive monopoly protection due to intellectual property rights would be an impediment to development, says professor Peter Drahos (inc. transcript)

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Washington’s Intent is Economic Destabilization and “Regime Change” In Venezuela: Selected Articles

26 October 2016 — Global Research

Washington’s Intent is Economic Destabilization and “Regime Change” In Venezuela

By Stephen Lendman, October 25 2016

Venezuela’s oil-dependent economy suffers greatly from low crude oil prices and US economic warfare – waged to destabilize the country, create enormous hardships, mobilize majority opposition to President Nicolas Maduro’s leadership, and end nearly 18 years of economic and social progress. The collapse in the price of crude oil was the result of a carefully designed speculative operation.

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The Iran Nuclear Deal – Debunking A Myth: Selected Articles

25 October 2016 — Global Research

The Iran Nuclear Deal – Debunking A Myth. A Short List of “Negative” US Foreign Policy Decisions

By Don L. Durivan, October 24 2016

With the first anniversary of the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA,  recently having passed, and the Obama Administration near its end, this seems to be a good time to consider one (there are a number) of the myths about the deal, and put it soundly to bed. Within the Obama Administration and in fact among those within the Beltway that support the JCPOA is the notion that “Iran needs the agreement, but we want it”.

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ICH 25 October 2016: A World Gone Mad

25 Octobr 2016 — Information Clearing House

“America Has Lost” in the Philippines

By Pepe Escobar
Duterte’s game-changing «America has lost» is just a new salvo in arguably the key 21st century geopolitical thriller.

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CETA derailed

25 October 2016 — SumOfUs

You, me and millions of people across Europe did it: Together, we helped derail CETA.

I hope you feel as excited and uplifted as I do! An EU-wide movement of regular citizens stood up against a corporate-backed trade deal that prioritises corporate profit over democracy, workers’ rights, consumer protection, and the planet — and it increasingly looks like we are winning!

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TRIPS: The Story of How Intellectual Property Became Linked to Trade (2/7)

25 October 2016 —TRNN

The architects of this trade agreement saw great profit from controlling the building blocks of the biological and digital technologies of the future, says professor Peter Drahos (inc. transcript)

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Black Agenda Radio 25 October 2016: 20 Years of Genocide in Congo; Black Panther Party at 50; Punish Clintons for Haiti; Theater for Struggle

25 October 2016  — Black Agenda Report

Bar20 Years of Genocide in Congo
The Black Panther Party at 50, Bobby Seale at 80
Better a Dog Than Clinton for President, Says Haiti Activist
Theater in the Service of the Struggle



The Great CETA Swindle – Signing Of Trade Deal Hits Last Minute Glitch: Selected Articles

25 October 2016 — Global Research

The Great CETA Swindle – Signing Of Trade Deal Hits Last Minute Glitch

By Corporate Europe Observatory, October 20 2016

Today, Belgium followed a ‘no’ vote by two of its regional Parliaments on the controversial EU-Canada trade deal CETA, temporarily blocking the first step towards the treaty’s ratification in a meeting of EU trade ministers. A close look at the CETA – and a recent declaration designed by Brussels and Ottawa to reassure critics and gain support for its ratification – shows that concerns over CETA are well-founded.

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ICH 24 October 2016: The US Is About To Face The Worst Crisis in Their History

24 October 2016 — ICH

US, Allies Massacre at Will, Yet Condemn Russia

By Finian Cunningham
The rogue-state behavior of Washington and its allies has become so rampant it is no longer possible to hide. Continue reading this...

Statewatch News Online, 24 October 2016 (18/16)

24 October 2016 —  • e-mail:

1.   Statewatch Analysis: Civilizing the torture and execution trade
2.   UNHCR: (22.10.16): 319,826 arrivals 2016: 168,873 in Greece, 145,982 in Italy
3.   CoE: “Combating anti Gypsyism: calls for better access to social rights and legislative measures
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TRIPS: The Story of How Intellectual Property Became Linked to Trade (1/7)

24 October 2016 — TRNN

In this 7 part series, Professor Peter Drahos explains how multinationals from US, Europe, and Japan collaborated to create a global platform for multinationals to privatize knowledge

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Corporate climate risk is about profit, not fixing the problem By Christopher Wright and Daniel Nyberg

22 October 2016 — Climate & Capitalism

Forms of denial

‘Like latter-day wizardry, corporate risk calculations suggest that markets and capital can, not only control the natural world, but somehow anticipate it’

Climate Change, Capitalism, Corporations

Christopher Wright and Daniel Nyberg are the authors of Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-Destruction (Cambridge University Press, 2015)

Climate change poses a major threat to the future of humanity. Extreme weather, rising seas, ocean acidification and biodiversity collapse will undermine many of the systems on which we depend. We’ve even seen a recent example of this, with South Australia’s storm and blackout illustrating the vulnerability of our society to extreme weather.

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‘CETA is a TTIP in Disguise’: The Canada-EU Trade Deal is a US Hegemonic Project: Selected Articles

21 October 2016 — Global Research

ceta‘CETA is a TTIP in Disguise’: The Canada-EU Trade Deal is a US Hegemonic Project

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Sputnik, October 21 2016

Belgium’s region Wallonia has dealt a severe blow to European Union’s hopes to sign a free trade deal with Canada. The region’s President-Minister said he would not support the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement or CETA by the Friday deadline. Radio Sputnik discussed the CETA agreement with Michel Chossudovsky Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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ICH 21 October 2016: The Worst Place on Earth

21 October 2016 — Information Clearing House

Syria and the Left: Time to Break the Silence
By Eric Draitser

It seems that we have forgotten that our responsibility is to the people of Syria and to peace and justice. 

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