Stop Lying About What Is Happening at #NoDAPL

Police attack demonstarators

[Photo: Police attack unarmed water protectors w rubber bullets, tear gas, & water hoses – 160+ injured. Unicorn Riot.]

By Rowan Wolf


STOP the lie. POLICE started fires at the occupied #NoDAPL standoff – NOT the Water Protectors. Fires were started by tear gas canisters. Water cannons were used – repeatedly – against the Protectors. The Police were NOT putting out fires. They did a full assault in the middle of the night against the Protectors blocking the bridge.

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Category: Activists, Environment, LIE ALERT, Lies Damn Lies, Media, Rowan Wolf - UTJ Editor, Truth & Truthtellers | Comments Off on Stop Lying About What Is Happening at #NoDAPL

The Sutra of Complete Demagoguery

Duterte vigilantism

[Photo: Duterte encourages vigilantis by offring bounties and pays per kill. Phot credit: GetRealPhilippines.]

By Mac McCarty

Editor's Note
I highly encourage folks read this piece by Mac MCCarty. It is indeed a cautionary tale. Duterte, recently elected President of the Philippines, seems extremely similar to Donald Trump, being a rich, out of the box, norm violating, bully. He has run rampant over the Philippine Constitution with at least 5,000 people now murdered in his “purge” of “drug dealers and users” – the selected target of hostility for everything wrong. The bolded portions are mine, not McCarty’s. I am very glad he wrote this.

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Smart fabric creates renewable energy

smart facbric

[Graphic: Smart fabric, explained here.]

By Tim Radford

Editor's Note
I have a feeling that folks may figure out a better and safe new ways of collecting, storing, and transmitting energy. After all, we are surrounded by it all the time and the possibilities are limited by our imagination. We MUST get out of the box.

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North Dakota Law Enforcement Official: “I’ll ultimately be paid by the oil people…”


[Photo by Tomas Alejo.]

By Unicorn Riot

Reporting from Jamestown, ND

Editor's Note
Unicorn Riot is doing an exceptional job of covering news at the site of the #WaterProtectors Standing Rock resistance against the Dakota Access Pipeline (#NoDAPL), and items related to it as with this story. Law enforcement, including the local sheriff (below), and the governor in his calling in the state police and ND National Guard. It is clear that law enforcement are really being paid to protect corporations and not the interests and needs of the people.

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Mr. Trump, Assuming the Presidency Is Not A Hostile Takeover!

FDR democracy

By Rowan Wolf


For the first time in my life I feel that my country is in the throes of a coup. Oh, I have been angry, even frightened, at several of the administrations which have ascended to the White House. However, that is nothing to what I am witnessing now and my deep concerns about it.

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