
Prison punishes Chelsea with 14 days of solitary for suicide attempt

September 23, 2016. Chelsea Manning faced a disciplinary board yesterday for charges related to her July suicide attempt. The prison punished her with 14 days of solitary confinement.Read more »


Chelsea still faces charges for suicide attempt: Daniel Ellsberg, Michael Stipe release videos of support

September 13, 2016. Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and musician Michael Stipe release videos of support for Chelsea as she faces charges related to her own suicide attempt. If convicted at a disciplinary board later this month, Chelsea could face indefinite solitary confinement for the rest of her prison sentence (30 years).Read more »


Chelsea ends hunger strike after Army cooperates

September 13, 2016. Chelsea Manning ends her hunger strike protest on the 5th day after Army officials agree to gender reassignment surgery, treatment that had been medically recommended for her since April of this year.Read more »


Chelsea Manning begins hunger strike protest

Sept 9 2016. Today, Sept 9, Chelsea Manning has announced she is starting a hunger strike to protest the “the constant, deliberate and overzealous administrative scrutiny by prison and military officials.” Chelsea Manning could face indefinite solitary confinement for charges from the prison due to her suicide attempt in July.Read more »

Selfie taken in November 3, 2008 prior to Chelsea's
transition. CC-BY-SA

Chelsea Manning, on facing life in solitary after attempting suicide

August 1, 2016. Instead of providing Chelsea Manning with the mental health care she needs, Army officials are using Chelsea's suicide attempt as an opportunity to charge her with "administrative offenses".Read more »


Chelsea Manning could face punishment for suicide attempt

July 28, 2016. Chelsea Manning is being investigated for charges related to her July 5th suicide attempt. If convicted, she could face charges such as indefinite solitary confinement, reclassification into maximum security, and an additional nine years in medium custody. Read more »


Chelsea confirms health status with attorneys

July 11, 2016. Chelsea Manning is allowed to speak with her lawyers about her health status, who have released this statement on her behalf.Read more »


Update from Chelsea's legal team

July 8, 2016. Chelsea Manning's lawyer provides an update on Chelsea's hospitalization .Read more »


Chelsea Manning's Legal Team Responds to Unconfirmed Rumors About Her Hospitalization

July 6, 2016. Chelsea's legal team responds to a CNN report that Chelsea had been sent to the hospital on July 5th as the result of a suicide attempt.Read more »

‘The refrains of safety and security have, for many years, been used as a tool by the powerful to justify curtailing civil liberties.’ Photograph: Xinhua/REX/Shutterstock

We must not let the Orlando nightclub terror strangle our civil liberties: Chelsea in new op-ed

June 13, 2016. After this weekend's tragedy in Orlando, Chelsea Manning cautions us that our response to such violence can be also be dangerous. In her Guardian op-ed she reminds us, "The refrains of safety and security have, for many years, been used as a tool by the powerful to justify curtailing civil liberties."Read more »

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Chelsea featured in new Amnesty International book

August 2, 2016. In 2015, Chelsea Manning answered questions for Amnesty international's upcoming young adult book, Here I Stand. Read an excerpt of that chapter before its release.Read more »


Moving on: Reflecting on my identity

July 18, 2016. In her latest piece, Chelsea Manning reflects on her identity, how she continues to evolve as a person, and her goal to continue being an active voice in the future.Read more »


"You amaze me with your support"- Chelsea blogs on Pride

June 26, 2016. Pride celebrations take place across the country today, with Chelsea Manning supporters gathering to #StandwithChelsea in SF, New York, and Seattle. In her new blog post, Chelsea expresses gratitude and reflects on the ups and downs of the LGBTQ movement.Read more »


"I am angry-but we need to heal": Chelsea responds to the Orlando attack

June 14, 2016. Chelsea shares her feelings and suggestions on how we can heal after the nightclub attack in Orlando, FL.Read more »


President Obama, pardon Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning

June 2, 2016. Trevor Timm, Guardian US columnist and executive director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, writes on why Obama should pardon whistleblower Chelsea Manning.Read more »


In memory of Michael Ratner

May 11, 2015. Michael Ratner, activist for many years and Chelsea Manning supporter, has passed.Read more »


Chelsea featured in "The New Progressives" issue of Interview Magazine

April 1, 2016. Chelsea talks on transparency, today's lack of real investigative journalism, what you can do to help, and more in her April 2016 interview in Interview Magazine, "The New Progressives" issue. The issue also features interviews from other well-known activists and emerging activists.Read more »


True Stories From the Hole

February 16, 2016. Chelsea shares how "Hell is a Very Small Place", a novel containing prisoner accounts of their experiences in solitary confinement, resonates with her personally. She says, "it was one of the hardest books for me to read in years."Read more »


’60 Minutes’ Pushes National Security Propaganda To Cast Snowden, Manning As Traitors

Nov 12, 2015. "60 minutes" stands with government secret keepers and not whistleblowers as it assassinates the character of Manning, Snowden in its program titled "In Dangerous Hands".Read more »


Chelsea's statement for Aaron Swatz Day

November 9, 2015. Chelsea reminds us to consider the 'Human element' when it comes to technology in a special statement written for Aaron Swartz Day 2015.Read more »

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