A change of course

FEATURE Women’s Boat to Gaza activists speak out following their release from Israeli custody.

Remembering Hashem Al Azza

Women, children are not spared from the violence of occupation

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Olive harvest begins in Susiya with extra hands

The Hebron Defense Committee (HDC) launched a three-week olive harvest campaign in Susiya, a Palestinian community located in the Hebron district.

20,Oct 2016
Israeli forces arrest Palestinian schoolchildren, education officials

Israeli forces have arrested over a dozen students as well as two Palestinian education officials at Dar al-Aytam School in Jerusalem.

20,Oct 2016
Occupation captured

Weekly photos of Palestinian life and Israeli occupation in the West Bank city of Hebron.

19,Oct 2016
Support the AIC!

With the support of our thousands of friends, the AIC can continue resisting. Together. Please donate today. 

16,Oct 2016
Ilan Halevi: In memoriam

Already three years since my friend Ilan Halevi passed away, when he was only 70 years old.

14,Oct 2016
Decolonizing the vocabulary of Palestinian human rights work

Today's human rights realities did not begin in 1993 nor in 1967, but with the emergence of Zionist colonisation of Palestine. Human rights organisations will not find a solution if they pretend other

13,Oct 2016
The left bears responsibility for assassination of the mind!

This weakness and fragility of the left encouraged religious extremists to go as far as they could in their violence and in undermining other people.

11,Oct 2016

The Bridges Instead of Walls international camp includes workshops, lectures and interactive meetings with Palestinian and Israeli civil society actors, political figures and partner organisations, as well as tours in various locations of the West Bank and Israel.



alternativenews.org is an independent, social justice-driven online magazine that challenges mainstream discourse on Palestine and Israel. 

 Articles published by alternativenews.org represent the views of their authors and do not necessarily represent the views of alternativenews.org, the Alternative Information Center or its editor. alternativenews.org is an integral part of the Alternative Information Center.