
Letter from America

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Ian Williams

It was not good week for the bean counters. António Guterres is neither East European, nor female, but the newly designated ninth UN Secretary General is indisputably the best person …


Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

The thing is, doctor, I don’t seem to be able to concentrate properly. My memory is shot. I haven’t got a grip on reality any more. There’s all these thing …

Buds of May keep up a pretence

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Hugh Gault

Even some Tory MPs are chafing at the new regime’s dictatorial approach.   In office but not in power’ is a memorable political phrase that might be bandied about by …


Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Joy Johnson

Become a Deliveroo rider and “pick up a ton of perks to sweeten the deal, like discounts with Apple and Vue Cinema on top of your self-employed £16 an hour …

Agenda Setting

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Chris Williamson

This weekend I am speaking at the Labour Assembly Against Austerity conference in London on why Corbynomics works. It is abundantly clear that the austerity agenda the Government has pursued …

Out Of The Cage

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

Sporting a new haircut and a more confident style, Jeremy Corbyn came back to Batley for the by-election that nobody ever wanted. It was his second visit. The first took …

As I Please

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Martin Rowson

Of course, by now it’s almost purely about embarrassment, which just serves to make the whole thing even more embarrassing. It was embarrassing enough that David Cameron’s reckless short-termism in …

A Second Iceberg Looms

Published: September 13, 2016
Written by Jack Reed

Jack Reed, a year 13 student at Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys in Canterbury, reports ‘frustration, fear and foreboding’ for the generation that were denied a vote in the …

Labour democracy says it must be Corbyn

Published: August 8, 2016
Written by Tribune Editorial

Throughout its history, Tribune has remained steadfast in three matters. First, and foremost, we are committed to Democratic Socialism and we believe that our country can be run in a …

Why The Left Must Accept Brexit

Published: July 10, 2016
Written by Neil Serougi

Negligently ignoring the fears of a working class at the sharp end of globalisation has come home to roost. The aftermath of the EU referendum has now revealed the fallacy …

Reflections – Elizabeth Matsangou

Published: June 29, 2016
Written by Elizabeth Matsangou

Under President Benigno Aquino, the Philippines made economic and political advances that helped revoke its former title of the ‘sick man of Asia’. Yet just how democratic the political system …

Out And About

Published: June 27, 2016
Written by Cary Gee

What’s the point of Gay Pride? is a question I’m often asked by ‘straight’ people. This is often followed by an insistence that my interrogator has ‘no problem with gay’s, …

Out of the Cage – Paul Routledge

Published: June 12, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

I had never heard of Stephen Gibson, and I imagine neither had most people, until he appeared on the Today ­programme to bewail the modest profits of Royal Mail.

Undercurrents – Joy Johnson

Published: June 12, 2016
Written by Joy Johnson

As soon as the EU Out campaign was dubbed Brexit, you could hear ­broadcast journalists salivating with unadulterated pleasure.

Letter from America – Ian Williams

Published: June 10, 2016
Written by Ian Williams

Those who advocated primary-style elections in the British Labour Party should learn their lessons from the shambles of the presidential process in the United States.