All articles by: Chris Proctor

Brainwaves: Chris Proctor

Published: September 24, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

Labour Party members have let themselves down very badly of late. For over a decade they were admirable, demonstrating first class muteness and dumbness while their superiors got on with …

Brainwaves – Chris Proctor

Published: August 9, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

This is an opportune time to discuss the fundamentals about our beliefs and ambitions for the Labour Party. For the first time in decades, members have the opportunity to discuss, …

Brainwaves – Chris Proctor

Published: July 15, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

The main topic of conversation in north London since the referendum has been how to get hold of another passport. A British one is now heavy with stigma; an alternative …

Brainwaves – Chris Proctor

Published: May 14, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

I see the old lags of the right are urging their sheepish followers to get Christine Shawcroft voted off Labour’s national executive.

Brainwaves – Chris Proctor

Published: April 15, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

Well, well, well. It appears from ­recent revelations that the rich hide their money to avoid paying tax. My oh my! My flabber is gasted. Whoever would have thought it?

Brainwaves – Chris Proctor

Published: April 4, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

After spending a few weeks pondering how to vote in the European Union referendum, I thought I needed some light relief, so I’ve been considering Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.

Brainwaves – Chris Proctor

Published: February 20, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

To celebrate Tribune’s new look, readers will be delighted to find I am expanding the scope of my column to include hot tip investment advice.

Brainwaves: Chris Proctor

Published: November 22, 2015
Written by Chris Proctor

RIP BS, but Call me Dave has still not cut the crap We are gathered here today, dearly beloved, to mourn the passing of an idea that began life with …

A new age of spying

Published: September 25, 2015
Written by Chris Proctor

Intercept: The Secret History of Computers and Spies by Gordon Corera (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, £20)