• PSI calls on its affiliates and allies to send letters to the Liberian government, for the reinstatement of dismissed workers, demanding the recognition of the right to organize for public service workers and the respect of trade union rights for all workers in Liberia!

  • Public Services International has launched an appeal to collect donations via the PSI Haiti Relief Fund to help our sisters and brothers in Haïti. We call on all affiliates to send in their support.

  • PSI General Secretary joins the Presidents of France and South Africa calling for urgent public investments globally to create new jobs in the health sector. This new report outlines recommendations made by 24 Commissioners, to stimulate and guide the creation of at least 40 million new jobs in the health and social sectors

  • PSI's 13th Regional Conference for the Asia Pacific Region (APRECON) and related meetings will take place in Fukuoka, Japan 9-12 October. The theme of APRECON will be "Quality Public Services Keep the Community Safe".