Latest News on Education


21 October 2016

Former member of EI staff receives top USA human rights award

Education International has warmly welcomed the announcement that the 2016 Edward O’Brien Award for Human Rights Education is awarded to Human Rights Education Associates’ Founder, and former Education International’s research coordinator, Felisa Tibbitts. More




20 October 2016

UN: Education should be the foundation of sustainable cities

The Habitat III agreement on the New Urban Agenda acknowledges the strong links between sustainable urbanisation and education for all. More




19 October 2016

African teachers top up efforts for quality education

Teachers from Kenya and Zambia are taking decisive steps to improve the quality of education in their schools through a project to help them assess and defend a better curriculum at primary and secondary level. More




18 October 2016

UK: gender inequality puts future of teaching profession at risk

Gender inequality, combined with crushing workloads and attacks on their pay and working conditions, are threatening to drive women out of the teaching profession in the UK. More



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About EI

Education International is the voice of teachers and other education employees across the globe. A federation of 396 associations and unions in 171 countries and territories, it represents some 32.5 million educators and support professionals in education institutions from early childhood to university.

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