Technology reducing the cost of forex trading

Small businesses using automated international payment platforms can find their costs reduced.
Small businesses using automated international payment platforms can find their costs reduced. brendan esposito
by Mark Abernethy

The global currency markets can be confusing and daunting for many business owners but Australian importers and exporters are about to embrace foreign exchange technologies that streamline their payments, a survey shows.

A survey by the payments and foreign exchange company, AFEX, shows that one-third of Australian small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) planned to either start using or upgrade automated international payment platforms over the next year.

Despite volatility and uncertainty in the global economy, the survey revealed 48 per cent of Australian SMEs planned to increase their international payments during the coming year. Yet 51 per cent of the SMEs surveyed also do not review their foreign exchange processes.

Asia Pacific general manager of AFEX, Richard Poulton, says the number of businesses not reviewing their foreign exchange systems was a surprise, because advances in technology were constantly bringing down the costs of making and receiving international payments, as well as increasing speed and internal efficiencies in Australian companies.

"If your business does occasional transactions offshore, doing things the traditional way may not have an impact," says Poulton. "But when you're doing hundreds of transactions per month, automation saves a lot of time and money."

He says AFEX allows its clients to upload payments into the AFEX Direct system, on an Excel template.

"We do thousands of transactions as a single batch, making considerable savings for the client. We can generally offer lower fees than the trading banks," says Poulton, "but technology also means we can usually do same-day transactions and we have a foreign exchange capability that operates within your business systems."

Lower intermediary costs

He says the AFEX model – like most non-bank foreign exchange companies – reduces the intermediary costs charged by trading banks.

"We make our income from the margins of the transaction [buy-sell spread]," says Poulton. "We don't have subscription fees or charges to use the platform."

The result is a transaction cost around 50 per cent of what SMEs pay to large trading banks.

"We have clients who are trading internationally, and they can have a thousand nuisance payments per month," says Poulton. "We were able to save one business $2 million a year on foreign exchange costs."

He says Australian trading banks typically use a partner bank in the country of the transaction, which charges its own fees. When put together with "wire fees" (a flat charge to send the money), the "spread" (where the intermediary takes small amounts from the "sell" and "buy" side of the deal) and receiver fees (where your own bank charges you on the incoming money), the costs can mount.

"A typical Australian business using a trading bank to make and receive international payments could be paying $45 per transaction. That mounts up when you have thousands of smaller transactions."

He says AFEX operates partnerships with banks in the territory of the transaction, allowing clients to use accounts in those countries as if they're making domestic transactions.

Poulton says the march of technology in foreign exchange has affected different market segments. While the AFEX Direct platform will migrate to smartphones, it will be in the retail segment, not for business.

Aid business goals

The AFEX technology push has aimed more at the heart of business operations, developing an API so the finance teams can make and receive international payments from their ERP systems.

He says AFEX embraces technology but only to aid business goals. So while the company could put a hedging capability into the API, Poulton says the clients prefer to separate forex transactional capability from hedging risk.

"Businesses want the transactions streamlined, but they want advice and tailored strategies when it comes to hedging."

Head of Western Union Business Solutions in Australia and New Zealand, Mark Davis, says technology is something it is constantly working on to make payments more efficient, lower cost or secure.

"Foreign exchange technology typically comes from banks, FX companies and lately, technology companies," says Davis. "Technology is reshaping cross-border payments and foreign exchange, and we're constantly assessing all the new systems and ideas coming through. But for us it starts with what businesses want and how we can help."

WU Edge

This year WU Business Solutions rolled out its global online platform, WU Edge, which taps business clients into 130 currencies and 200 territories on a 24-hour self-serve platform. In three months, 3500 Australian and New Zealand businesses joined the platform which also includes reporting tools, cash management software, invoicing systems and integrated accounts.

Davis says the WU Edge platform has been a hit, with 80 per cent growth in three months. One element of the platform is the networking feature which allows users to find suppliers in the operating territories.

"The retail market is moving towards international payments on smartphones," says Davis, "but in the business market the concerns are about speed, efficiency and costs. Businesses need hedging strategies but they're also very focused on cross-border spot payments and managing receivables."

He says WU has been transferring money around the world for 150 years, and its systems are proven and relied-upon by businesses.

"Technology doesn't reinvent what we do – it's an enabler. It gives the business better speed, lower costs, greater visibility."

Western Union, he says, separates online self-service from hedging advice – via its corporate hedging teams – because business clients want external, expert advice.

"Our business clients aren't looking to make profits on foreign exchange," says Davis. "They're protecting their margins on inflows and outflows. Since the Australian dollar floated, there's been an average movement in the value of the Aussie dollar of 19 per cent per year. If you're operating to a budget, and a lot of your cash flows are in foreign currencies, you can't ignore exchange rate volatility."

He says foreign exchange is becoming faster and cheaper not just because of the technology the clients see. He says WU Business Solutions can do fast point-to-point transfers anywhere in the world because of bank-to-bank technologies and systems.

Fintech but not dogmatic

Andrew Porter, managing director in Australia of World First, says the advances of technology have changed what businesses expect from foreign exchange providers in terms of speed and flexibility around transactions.

However, while individuals transferring money to family and friends can use peer network systems on a smartphone, businesses have different requirements.

"World First is a low-cost provider," says Porter. "The aim is to pass on costs savings to the customer and we can typically save the customer about half of what they'd otherwise be paying to their bank for the same services."

But he says while World First came from a fintech background, it is not dogmatic about technology.

"A business can trade with us totally online, if they want, and about 70 per cent of our businesses are online," says Porter. "But we also have offices in the UK, US, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Europe."

He says when business customers want to hedge – usually with a forward contract to lock-in a rate in the future – they can call World First 24 hours a day and make their arrangements over the phone.

"We have a global CRM system and designated dealers, so you can make payments and organise hedges at any time, over the phone."

Porter says Australian World First clients are often e-commerce vendors, using platforms such as Amazon and eBay, and they need a seamless system of repatriating revenues from the US-owned sites.