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  1. Cartoon in sums up the coal loving Federal government's attempts to hold back ☀️💨

  2. Anyone else had a gutfull of soft-left Lib Leaders posing as Conservatives & taking their cues from ABC & Fairfax?

  3. In reply to

    any way you cut it, using VicPol data or TPA stats -there are fewer frontline police now than in 2014.

  4. Over 7000 people asking for a change of plan. Are you listening ? No cut & cover @

  5. . says "no one side is to blame" for toxic problems in CFA and MFB.

  6. . starts QT by blasting lies of "aspiring Liberal politician" and VFBF boss Andrew Ford.

  7. I've just tabled another 2766 signatures from people who want tunneled.

  8. State Final Demand up by 4%, bus investment up by 3.9% and unemployment down- a beautiful set of no's

  9. Seriously , if we're going to have another law & order auction can we try not to make it a race to the bottom this time?

  10. They can name & shame kids in the Northern Territory. Hasn't exactly solved youth crime has it?

  11. Frequent Flyers Minister ✈️makes a cameo after spending $10k/mth on travel

  12. NAME/SHAME? "The sense of a youth crime explosion is overstated. The no. of young offenders has decreased markedly"

  13. "We aren't building swimming pools, or polo courts. I'm not even repairing buildings." via

  14. One minute David Southwick is an adjunct professor, next minute he's a minister. It's like Catch Me if You Can, except we can.

  15. Flinders Street Station -which must be the most photographed structure in the CBD- to be restored to its rightful state.

  16. We're restoring Flinders Street Station to its former glory – and that means bringing back its original colours from the 1900s.

  17. . editor must be crying in the corner, rocking back and forth.

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