Matt JohnstonConta verificada


State political reporter in Victoria for the Herald Sun

Participa desde julho de 2010

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  1. This will affect the sale price, says - but still get good public policy outcome

  2. There would be no compensation at all if a non government player sets up another port

  3. The 15 years compensation clause would kick in once another container port is up and running

  4. Pallas has now offered to the opposition a 15 year compensation period -

  5. Labor has "walked that extra mile" on what it believes a reasonable offer in port bill should be -

  6. Treasurer says today is Port lease Bill decision day

  7. Question to was about Vline crisis and replacement buses - via

  8. Public Transport Minister doing her best to suppress a lol as she goads opposition about something (can't hear)

  9. Retweetou

    Good thing house prices should keep going up ... wages up 2.2% over past year, lowest growth since ABS started measuring in 1998

  10. Health Minister talking about how will provide "unprecedented access" to Parkville hospital district

  11. Questions from about Western Distributor business case - asking if traffic modeling will be independently reviewed

  12. Retweetou
  13. Labor fights Coalition attacks by releasing a Coalition skyrail plan for Rowville completed in 2012

  14. Did Treasurer just say all Labor's promises are fully funded? I guess they didn't actually promise to build it this term...

  15. Shadow Treasurer back at the microphone for a - AG now rebutting

  16. Lol! sounding like Homer Simpson as asks about potential tax hikes - the Don yells out: "Boring"

  17. Premier firing up in about safe schools program - hits out at

  18. media release from govt including news the Andrews Govt will seek $4.5 billion from Turnbull Govt

  19. Andrews Government will seek $4.5 billion (!!!) from the Turnbull Government and $1.9billion from private sector for

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