A Fine Feathered Frenzy is the 57th animated cartoon short subject in the Woody Woodpecker series. Released theatrically on October 25, 1954, the film was produced by Walter Lantz Productions and distributed by Universal-International.
Woody drops in at a fancy restaurant, looks over the menu and gives them a nickel for a cup of coffee while he takes out his own lunchbox. Insulted, they toss him out without a bite to eat. Woody starts thumbing through the newspaper and sees an ad about a wealthy lady seeking matrimony who goes by the name Gorgeous Gal.
Desperate but optimistic, Woody calls Gorgeous Gal and hears a sultry voice on the other end of the phone. She tells him that she loves Woodpeckers, he is the only thing on her mind and she invites her "dream boy" to come over. Ecstatic, he rushes over to the woman's huge mansion to meet her. The spring in his step is all but shattered when he finally gets a good look at her: Gorgeous Gal is an overweight, heavily jeweled and overdressed bird who is much older than Woody. Upon hearing the words "Hello cutie pie. Your Gorgeous Gal is waiting," Woody's feathers turn white and he passes out.
Ti re piora
In veno i bare pora
Lantirini con t'Apolle
O mareo divelle
O malevo cari me
O malevo divelle
E marento aveo
O malevo cari me
O malevo divelle
E marento aveo
O malevo cari me
E marento aveo
O malevo cari me
Divano sentite
In the end
Weary in divine hour
When the time of death is coming
In beams of Apollo's* light
Oh flow, draw me
Oh destiny, carry me
Oh destiny, draw me
Oh sea, welcome
Oh destiny, carry me
Oh destiny, draw me
Oh sea, welcome
Oh destiny, carry me
Oh sea, welcome
Oh destiny, carry me
I feel divinity...