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Auckland  13/18 
mostly sunny
Beijing  10/11 
mostly sunny
Brasilia  18/32 
increasing sunshine
Buenos Aires  10/17 
mostly sunny
Cape Town  17/24 
Lagos  23/33 
mostly cloudy
London  10/14 
Los Angeles  16/27 
mostly sunny
increasing sunshine
Mexico City  10/20 
Moscow  0/
New Delhi  18/32 
New York  4/11 
Singapore  25/33 
mostly sunny
Tokyo  17/22 
Vancouver  11/13 
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Weather Forecasts for Thursday

Station Forecast Min Max Chance of rain UV index
°C °C
Mostly sunny 13 18 10% Very High
Drizzle 10 11 90% -
Mostly sunny 18 32 40% High
Buenos Aires
Increasing sunshine 10 17 10% High
Cape Town
Mostly sunny 17 24 5% High
Thunderstorms 23 33 40% High
Mostly cloudy 10 14 5% -
Los Angeles
Mostly sunny 16 27 70% Moderate
Mexico City
Increasing sunshine 10 20 10% High
Snow 0 0 50% -
New Delhi
Sunny 18 32 5% Moderate
New York
Rain 4 11 90% Moderate
Thunderstorms 25 33 60% High
Mostly sunny 17 22 40% Moderate
Showers 11 13 80% -
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Weather News

State of the Climate report 2016: Extreme heat events increasing in duration, frequency and intensity

00:03 EDT

The duration, frequency and intensity of extreme heat events have increased across large parts of Australia, a climate report has found.

Delightful Derby Day, Cool Cup

15:10 EDT

Melbourne's volatile weather will live up to its reputation during this year's Melbourne Cup carnival.

Meet Angeline Prasad, the Top End's senior weather forecaster

14:51 EDT

As a kid growing up in Fiji, a howling cyclone was a chance to stay up late, swap ghost stories and eat specially-made Indian stuffed bread for Darwin meteorologist Angeline Prasad.