Showing posts with label Bill White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill White. Show all posts

10 October 2012

Terry Tremaine: Dumb. Very Dumb.

On Monday we had suggested that we would likely learn what Terry Tremaine's sentence for contempt would be, however that obviously didn't happen.

Today we learned a possible reason for the delay:

18 December 2009

Don't @#$% With Richard Warman: Part IV

It's been a while since we've posted anything in our, "Don't @#$% With Richard Warman" series, but we figured this one would drive his fans on Stormfront absolutely wild:

White guilty on four counts, not guilty on three 
A federal jury has found William A. White guilty on four counts and not guilty on three counts. 
The jury found White guilty of: threatening Jennifer Petsche, a Citibank employee in Kansas City, Mo.; intimidating several residents of a Virginia Beach apartment complex with the intent to prevent their testimony in a housing discrimination case; threatening Kathleen Kerr, an administrator at the University of Delaware; and threatening Richard Warman, a human rights lawyer from Canada. 
The three counts that resulted in acquittals were: threatening Petsche, the bank employee, with the intent to extort; threatening Leonard Pitts, a nationally syndicated columnist in Bowie, Md.; and threatening Charles Tyson, the former mayor of South Harrison Township, N.J. 
White faces a maximum of 40 years in prison on the four convictions. The lawyers involved are given 10 days to file post-verdict motions and to note appeals. After that, White will be sentenced.

So don't @#$% with Richard Warman.... and a bunch of other people for that matter.

And just to rub a little more salt in the wound, Melissa Guille's constitutional challenge has been rejected:

Happy holidays, everyone.

29 November 2008

Tip to Nazis: Don't @#$% With Richard Warman

Some time ago, an American neo-Nazi named William (Bill) White called for the murder of Richard Warman owing to Mr. Warman's active campaign against racism in Canada. White published Warman's home address and place of work. He suggested methods by which an individual could kill Mr. Warman in the most graphic manner possible.

Warman filed a complaint about White's website,, with the CRTC. Unfortunately, the CRTC claimed they couldn't do anything because White and his website were both based in the United States and beyond the reach of their mandate (evidently blocking a website advocating the murder of a Canadian citizen didn't occur to them).

White thought he was untouchable and acted accordingly. However, chickens came home to roost in October 2008 when White was arrested on federal charges by the FBI. According to news reports and court papers, White's arrest was based primarily on recent online threats against a member of the jury that convicted the Creativity Movement's leader Matt Hale off incitement to murder. Additional information in court papers indicate that White's arrest was also based on an article suggesting the assassination of president-elect Barak Obama, as well as threats made towards a certain Canadian lawyer in Ontario (see pages 10 and 11 of 24).