John Wesley Shipp on Season 2 of The Flash

John Wesley Shipp

The Flash is back tonight for its second season premiere, and John Wesley Shipp (Henry Allen) sat down with us to chat a bit about what’s coming up.

Here’s what we learned:

  • A big question going into the season is whether or not Henry will remain in prison. He said there are a few ways that could go, but was very cautious about not letting anything slip.
  • Exploring Henry and Barry’s relationship when/if he gets out of prison is something he looks forward to.
  • He accidentally dropped the Legends of Tomorrow title before it was released, so he’s a bit nervous that he’ll accidentally say something about the show that he shouldn’t.
  • We are going to learn more about the extended Allen family in Season 2.
  • Playing the two father figures angle was something he liked in the first season, and said that the writers constantly impressed him.
  • Shipp really wants to get into S.T.A.R. Labs more, and have a scene with Candice (Iris).
  • He’s really been able to bring his experience as TV’s first incarnation of The Flash into this show.
  • With regard to Henry’s fate, he said the only thing he hopes he never sees is “Henry drops the ice cream cone” — nice Dawson’s Creek reference!

Watch the full clip here:


Photo and Video by Melissa Girimonte. Copyright © 2015 The Televixen

About Melissa - The Televixen

Melissa Girimonte, aka The Televixen, is a Toronto-based writer, TV blogger and podcaster. After freelancing with print and online magazines for several years, she channeled her life-long passion for TV into, where she serves as Founder and Editor-in-Chief. She is an avid two-screen viewer and social media aficionado that adores being part of the online community. When not watching or writing about television, she enjoys travelling to pop culture events across North America.