Showing posts with label KKK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KKK. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2019

Paul Fromm with Maxime Bernier: Pleased With PPC Immigration Platform

So rather than engaging in the usual long-winded lead up I engage in, let's just get to the point on this one:

Yep, white supremacist Paul Fromm, seen here with Max Bernier happily patting him on the back, is pleased with the PPC platform regarding immigration.

Though he's not as happy that a former PPC candidate was removed for merely posting the link to a white supremacist group with ties to terrorism:

Fromm has been a fixture on the far right in Canada since the late 1960s and has associated with such groups as the Heritage Front, Volksfront, the KKK, American Front, and the recently illegal terrorist group Blood & Honour/Combat 18 (among others):

Bernier himself has seemingly decided to throw his lot in with extremists including the Northern Guard:

Proud Boys:

ID Canada (formerly Generation Identity Canada):

The Yellow Vesters:

And an assortment of other alt-right and racist figures:

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Examination of Marc Lemire: Part XIII

Between 2008 and 2013, ARC published a series of articles detailing Mar Lemire's racist past and his involvement with the Heritage Front. I compiled all of the links on this single page:

It has been more than six years since I've added to this series of article that highlighted the history of Marc Lemire's involvement with and eventual leadership of the Heritage Front. When I posted the last few articles I sort of felt like I was beating a dead horse so whenever I had heard of Lemire's name come up in my investigations, such as his participation in the memorials of lawyers Doug Christie and more recently Barbara Kulaszka I either briefly discussed his involvement or ignored it all together.

Chris Edmunds, Malcolm Ross, Michele Erstikaitis, Marc Lemire

I had assumed there was no further use in covering Lemire since I believed he was of no particular significance any longer.

That turned out to have been a mistake on my part, but it is a mistake that journalists such as Mack Lamoureux has rectified:

Those articles on Lemire that I thought of as overkill I'm happy to say helped Mr. Lamouroeux in his research so I sort of feel a bit vindicated in having written them, but full credit to Mack for his dogged work.

I know there was another journalist who had been working on this story as well but she appears to have been stymied by the City of Hamilton for some reason which no doubt will result in a great deal of interesting speculation:

However, Ms. Craggs was able to get Lemire to speak about his involvement with the Heritage Front after the publication of the "Vice" article.
In news that will surprise no one who follow this blog, Lemire lied:
"The Heritage Front stuff dates back to when I was a teenager," Lemire said, linking to an article where he said he's not a Nazi or white supremacist. 
"I reject the Heritage Front for what it was, as I have stated consistently for over 11 years." 
But, as Vice reported, an archived web page from the Heritage Front's website from 2001 shows Lemire distributing flyers saying "immigration can kill" in Hamilton. A post on Lemire's own webpage from that same year also describes him as the "head honcho" of the organization.
ARC first published this a number of years ago:

Hmmmm, 152 Carlton Street....

When this was published on Lemire's website, he would have been 26 years old.

In fact Lemire hosted the Heritage Front on Freedom-Site from 1998 (age of 23) to roughly 2001 when he appears to have moved it to a separate server. Here is an example of one of those early Heritage Front websites (December 2000, I believe):

And here is the HF merchandise page where the hate group sold their magazine featuring former KKK leader David Duke and videos by the leader of White Aryan Resistance Tom Metzger:

Gee, 152 Carlton Street again?

Surely a coincidence.

And here is a request for donations to keep Freedom-Site alive:

There's that 152 Carlton Street again!

Curious isn't it? I mean, it would be amazing if one could link that address directly to Lemire, wouldn't it?

Oh! You mean he had a personal webpage?


And by the way, here is one of the images of the Canadian Patriot Network Lemire designed:

Subtle Marc. Real subtle.

And what did his other website look like when Marc would have been 23?

Tsk, tsk....

The reality is that Marc already tried to snow people regarding his past with the Heritage Front. In that case, he had a willing stooge in Ezra Levant who refused to challenge Lemire's claims because Levant also had an agenda:
Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.
Well, Lemire is right that he was involved with the Heritage Front as a teenager:

CANADA - FEBRUARY 23 Hearing Adjourned Heritage Front leader Wolfgang Droege and his white supremacist supporters leave University Ave. courthouse yesterday. (Toronto Star)

But he was also involved in his early 20s as he continued to count Wolfgang Droege as a friend:

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Yellow Vest Extremists: Two Case Studies From Edmonton and Calgary

I've been offline -- at least on the blog -- for over a week now in part due to finishing up some work-related projects (the work I'm actually paid to do), prepping for the holidays, and a long, long, LONG, drive back to the mother province to visit my family; ma has been dutifully fattening me up with cookies and nanaimo bars while pa has been providing home brewed beer at trying to engage me in discussing an activity known as "sports." Still, I have been keeping abreast of at least some of the activities the far right have been engaging in.

Last Saturday another series of Yellow Vest protests occurred. Fewer cities and towns appeared to have participated and the numbers were down in all cases while a number of venues saw an increase in the number of counter-protesters. Online the infighting and factionalism has been growing as participants sling insults at each other almost as much as they do towards the Liberal government in Ottawa and Notley government in Edmonton. Also, while there had been some effort to minimize the number of violent threats on the main Yellow Jacket Facebook pages, those efforts appear to have collapsed. 

It was inevitable that this new movement would attract mainly the same faces (Steven Myatt, Ron Banerjee, Georges Massaad, Faith Goldy, Georges Hallak, etc) and groups (Soldiers of Odin, Northern Guard, Storm Alliance, La Meute, Canadian Combat Coalition, III%ers etc) I've been seeing at these protests the past number of years in addition to some newer, though still familiar, movement such as those who are associated with the QAnon conspiracy theory(s). Two of the faces associated with the Yellow Vests will be familiar to readers and include one more recent addition as well as someone who frequented the days of ARC Classic.While the initial momentum in much the rest of Canada appears to be waning as the attention span of the supporters diminishes and the weather turns colder, Alberta is still quite active. 

In Edmonton the Yellow Vest protesters were outmaneuvered by the counter-protesters who showed up in larger numbers equaling or even perhaps slightly surpassing the Yellow Vest reactionaries, last week, the previous weekend saw a large number of far-right extremists show up including members of the Wolves of Odin. Now ARC readers will be familiar with this group as it used to be the Edmonton chapter of the Soldiers of Odin before they were compelled to change their name by the mother hate-group in Finland due to negative media attention. Prior to the name change the SoO were the focus of a story involving members of the hate-group hobnobbing with members of the United Conservative Party. Among those who attended the UCP event as well as the Yellow Vests protest on December 15 (where a journalist was roughed up, btw) was this fella:

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Alberta Soldiers of Odin Planned Labour Day Stunt: A Reminder Who They Are

A couple of weeks ago ARC learned that the Soldiers of Odin in Edmonton planned on holding an event near the Mustard Seed in the city on Labour Day, ostensibly to feed the homeless:

Of course it must be noted that the Mustard Seed, a faith-based organization that serves a diverse population which isn't limited to white Christians, wants nothing to do with this group and that another organization has been serving Edmonton's homeless population on Labour Day for nearly 30 years without fanfare:

The SoO don't plan on coming alone, as two other far-right groups have been listed as participating:

A church in Edmonton’s inner city says it has nothing to do with a plan by far-right groups to distribute food and water to homeless people near its premises.
In social media posts, members of Soldiers of Odin, Onward Christian Soldiers and Northern Guard said they plan to serve food and water to the homeless on Sept. 3.
All three hate groups were also involved in the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam fundraiser for the rally Joey Deluca had been planning for Toronto but which was ultimately cancelled and those involved in the scheme humiliated:

Should this particular stunt proceed it won't be the first time hate groups have tried to improve their public image and it will certainly not be the last. However given that the Alberta SoO is involved, I thought that ARC should remind our readers about the leader of the Calgary chapter and who is believed to be participating in the Edmonton stunt:

ARC wrote a lengthy article about Caldwell this past April. In that article ARC exposed his racism and antisemitism:

ARC could also highlight his connection to hate groups such as the WCAI, Canadian Nationalist Front (Goudreau's project), Blood & Honour, the III% militia, and other groups:

Call me a cynic, but I have a difficult time trusting in the altruism of the Soldiers of Odin given all of this.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

La Meute Caught Lying About "Antifa" Assault Claim

Those of us who followed the failed La Meute march this past Sunday expected that they would attempt to spin it as some sort of success despite what was obvious to all involved:

What wasn't expected was how they would spin it in an attempt to favor themselves and cast aspersions on those who opposed them:

Sébastien Chabot is referring to an incident he is claiming occurred when a group of who he characterized as First Nations supporters of the Front Patriotique du Québec tried to join their rally but were prevented from doing so. When I asked a friend from Quebec to confirm to me what La Mute spokesperson Chabot was claiming, I received the following reply:
Sébastien Chabot claimed that people were attack by antifa on Facebook and gave it a weird twist that 3 native people were beaten by antifa lead by Eve Torres, a candidate for QS who is wearing an hijab (probably only because she wears an hijab). The post was made by someone else but he relayed it and said 3 native people had been beaten by antifa lead by Torres.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by this claim as it echoes those made after every far-right rally where they claim to be the victims of "antifa" violence; more often than not, the far-right members have been documented engaging in the most egregious violence while suited up in paramilitary gear, though they inevitably claim self-defence. Bryan Trottier, the Ontario head of the CDN Wolfpack (essentially an English language chapter of La Meute) also claimed that during the La Meute rally "antifa" had attacked their membership. When I asked a friendly reporter on the scene, he told me the groups were separated at such a distance as to make this claim laughable.

So Chabot claim was taken with an immediate grain of salt:

The photos seemed false to me and others as well but before I even had a chance to check on their authenticity others were already on the case.

You will not at all be surprised by what they found: