9 December 2011

Details of B.C. white supremacist arrests released

The names of the B.C. white supremacists who were arrested in Vancouver have been released, along with some of the details of their crimes. We weren’t off in our speculations as to who might be involved, and sure enough what they are accused of is extremely disturbing.

Alleged white supremacists charged with assaulting minorities

By: ctvbc.ca
Date: Friday Dec. 9, 2011 11:54 AM PT

Two Vancouver men allegedly involved in the white supremacist group Blood and Honour have been charged in a number of assaults on minorities.

In the most disturbing case, 25-year-old Robertson De Chazal is accused of setting fire to a Filipino man who had fallen asleep on a couch near Commercial Drive and 5th Avenue in Vancouver's east side.

The victim sustained burns to his arms, neck and head. Witnesses reported seeing three men flee the scene, and Mounties say they have arrested one other suspect who has yet to face charges.

De Chazal is also accused of beating a black man unconscious in September 2009. He has been charged with aggravated assault and assault causing bodily harm.

Shawn MacDonald has been charged with three counts of assault in connection with separate incidents in 2008 and 2010 in which a black man, a Hispanic man and an aboriginal woman were attacked.

Both De Chazal and MacDonald are believed to be members of Blood and Honour, a white power group formed in the 1980s. Its name was borrowed from the Hitler Youth motto, "Blut und ehre."

The men were investigated by the B.C. RCMP's Hate Crime Team, which probes all crimes believed to be motivated by hate and in connection to organized hate groups.

Anyone with information on crimes apparently motivated by hate is asked to contact the team at 604-543-4903 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS if they wish to remain anonymous.

Assaulting non-whites. Burning minorities while they sleep. Hey, but it’s all about pride, right? To quote a comment left by a reader on this story, "Thank god Blood and Honour stood up to C18 taking their name and tarnishing it with violence.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any nationalist with any self respect wound not condone activity like this. Some people are stupid