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Anonymous Better Way? said...

I work in the downtown core of Calgary, and I was caught off guard by this event. However, as disturbing as the neo-nazi's were, the anti-racists weren't without fault as well. Throwing balloon-like projectiles filled with some sort of unknown substance, bottles and other things, hardly made me feel sympathetic.

Surely there are other ways? There were other people there as well who could have been seriously injured, and I know that if a drop of said unknown substance had've touched my skin, I'd of freaked out on a scale of epic proportions.

21 March 2009 at 21:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

These nazi thugs in Calgary have been linked to assaults on People of Colour, as well as a firebombing of a home with four children inside.

While I recognize not everyone is comfortable with direct confrontation (and I support diversity of tactics), petitions ain't gonna cut it against these guys.

22 March 2009 at 11:54

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