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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul's radio show is hilarious tonight. We learned that Paul was not interested in the size of the arresting cop's prophylactics - well, I'm sure the cop's relieved about that.

19 March 2009 at 22:24

Blogger noonespecial200 said...

He's in rare form tonight. Hilarious.

19 March 2009 at 22:31

Blogger noonespecial200 said...

And god damn! What the hell is that screeching noise in the background? Is Diane in heat or something?

19 March 2009 at 22:34

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that screeching sound is his train of thought coming off the rails.

hey, see you all tomorrow!

10 a.m. calgary city hall


20 March 2009 at 09:26

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't you just love how things like that happen? I wonder if the cops checked more attendees' records, what would've happened?

They would have had to call in back-up cause they wouldn't have had enough space in their piggy-wagon!

20 March 2009 at 16:01

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