12 March 2009

March 12 Bits and Bites Part IV: Christie Assisting Terry Tremaine

We reported that Terry Tremaine had been served with contempt of court charges for continual violation of the CHRT ruling from February 2, 2007. He's also currently on trial for violating Canadian Hate Crime laws. Any bets on who has taken on Tremaine's cause? You only have one guess:

Speaking of Doug Christie, apparently he's going to be performing soon in Ontario. We know this because this particular speaking engagement had originally been posted on the FreeDom forums:

The Alternative Forum Proudly Presents
Douglas H. Christie, General Counsel, Canadian Free Speech League

"The Battling Barrister" Lawyer for Ernst Zundel, Malcolm Ross, Jim Keegstra, Chief David Ahenakew
Intervening in the Marc Lemire Constitutional Challenge to Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act
The Ahenakew Case & After: Prospects in the Free Speech Battle for 2009

Toronto : Saturday, March 14, 2009.
Danube Schwabian Club --
1686 Ellesmere Rd , Scarborough . (just east of McCowan, just south of Hwy. 401) .
2:00 p.m.
Admission $10.00

The folks in Calgary gave Mr. Christie such a warm welcome (by the way, we're still waiting on those pictures boys and girls ;). We hope that the fine folks in Toronto will be equally accommodating.

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