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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you're not following the attempt to system-ize discrimination going on in Quebec courtesy of the PQ provincial party; re- "Charter of Values" farce-proposal. You may be thinking - 'well that's only about religious stuff'.

When you read on below, relate the Nazis 1930s calculated growth in persecutions to the seemingly soft, sinister, misinformation and demonization of minorities that Pauline Marois and her PQ are trying to push in a democratic nation to the masses, by polarizing minorities.

Don't forget how the Nazis got into power.... they did not get voted in by popularity in spite of what Goebbel's film footage wanted to insinuate, nor what dim-witted amateur historians want to claim as all Germans loving the Nazis. In 1928 the Nazis had 2.6% voter support. When they 'won' in 1933 it was with only 44% of the vote. How they took power after that was exactly how politicians try to take power in our world these days; Divide and Conquer. First, the Nazis got support from Zionists to end the world boycott against the Nazis ( a historical fact Neo Nazi goons are not aware of - don't believe me- google "goebbels medal 1934 nazi zionist alliance", then the Nazis got the Catholic clergy to turn on the Jews, and of course the German communists had been effectively wiped out as an opposing force just before that.

What is starting to happen now in Quebec are the sniveling racists/extremists are jumping onto Marois' bandwagon because under such a legalized policy multi-culturalism can be suppressed. France is flirting with such radical systemic discrimination too which gives more 'validity' to the racist-fascists grime-balls that are supporting the FN (National Front) under that she-wolf gang-leader LePen.

Last summer one such sad lot/gang of anti-multi-culture hatemongers were stomping around Old Montreal squawking hate crap for a few hours while police followed these dolts around in public.

13 January 2014 at 19:08

Blogger Nostrils200 said...

Actually there has been some talk about focusing on the situation in Quebec and the Orwellian Charter proposed. We generally focus on street level issues but this is something that does warrant comment.

Until recently we have had some difficulty with covering Quebec because we didn't have anyone on the ground and there was a significant language barrier (I am personally embarrassed by my unilingualism). But that has changed.

Hopefully we can start doing a better job in this area.

13 January 2014 at 20:56

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for that reply. Let's not forget why we end up taking this to a street level.

The whole rot of discrimination starts from somewhere first and trickles down from government policies and social inherent attitudes that shape prejudices that some in our society are determined to force destructively on others.

The street level's work will be easier if we educate the basically crude and simple reasons about why prejudice exists and how it is manipulated into our society by scheming evil individuals and groups.

I'm quite certain in these times you can find excellent street level contacts in Quebec regarding the opposition to Marois' hate-bait based posturing.
Keep up the good work. The fact you are doing something is a million miles ahead of the masses who simply don't care.

5 March 2014 at 17:00

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