Type of ad - Personal | Platinum

Ad Start Date 07-15-09 Ad Expiration Date 07-15-12

Site Search Info

Sex - Male

DOB - 01/06/88

Seeking - Women

Race - Caucasian

Religion -

Convicted Of - First Degree Murder

Release Date - Serving a Life Sentence, Life/25

Main Directory

I am a young guy, starting a life / 25 sentence, and I am looking for a nice lady to write to. It would be really nice to talk with someone who's not an inmate. I am just beginning my sentence, so I haven't had time to accomplish much yet. But as soon as I am allowed to, I plan to continue with school and go on to take college courses, as well as continuing to develop my art skills. Currently, I am learning German. Unfortunately I am convicted of murder and attempted murder, so I will have plenty of time to get educated. Much of my time is spent keeping in touch with family and friends. My interests include history, music, working out, languages, art and politics. I am a Capricorn and a definite perfectionist! I was born on January 6, 1988. I am 5'9", 160lbs and I have blondish brown hair and blue eyes. For the most part I am a risk taker. I like doing exciting things, and knowing exciting people. I'm interested in having a girl to write to who has a good sense of humor, and a upbeat personality. Like everybody, I like and appreciate beauty, but that's far from the most important thing to me. The most important quality in a woman is her personality, if we can laugh together then I'll be happy. I'm not particular about race or age. I know that I'm a young guy, but I'm much older at heart.

Nathan Fry # 845987E
Mission Institution
8751 Stave Lake St, Box 60
Mission, BC V2V 4L8 CANADA

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