Incident Details: 19870627010715001

Incident Date: June 27, 1987
Incident Successful: Yes
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Perpetrators: New Revivalists of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (The New Revivalists of the National Socialist German Worker's Party)

Event Type: Facility/Infrastructure Attack
Weapon Type(s): Incendiary (Blunt Object)
Organization Type: Supremacist,

Suicide Attack: No
Hoax: No
Violent Extremism:
Doubt Terror:
Target Information
1- Religious Figures/Institutions(Places of Worship)

Canadian Target: Yes
Canadian Victim:
Canadian Perpetrator:
By foreigners against foreign target(s) in Canada:

Victims: 0 fatalities, 0 injuries
Perpetrators: 0 fatalities, 0 injuries
Description: "06/27/1987: Several jars filled with a flammable liquid were tossed inside a Calgary mosque in the early hours. The fires were quickly contained, and damage was limited to holes burned in the carpeting, wooden floor, and walls. A large swastika and a racial slur were spray-painted on the driveway. A few days later a group calling itself the ""New Revivalists of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"" claimed responsibility in a letter to the ""Calgary Herald"" and threatened further attacks. It also claimed responsibility for two earlier acts of vandalism at the mosque, stating that the three incidents occurred at midnight on three consecutive Fridays. In the 06/12 incident, two windows were shattered and jars filled with paint were thrown inside the mosque."
References: 1) "Kellett, A., Beanlands, B., Deacon, J., Jeffrey, H., & Lapalme, C. (1991). Terrorism in Canada 1960-1989, User Report no. 1990-16. Ottawa: Solicitor General Canada, National Security Coordination Centre, Police and Security Branch. p. 301."
2) RCMP Chronology. p. 15.
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